Last one to post in this thread wins!

So about 9:30 last night, my wife was going to let the dogs out. She opened the door and I heard " holy crap", it's that 4 letter word that starts with s, ends in w, and has NO in the middle. Yay. I got up for work this morning and was thrilled to see a couple inches of the crap on the ground. Sun finally made an appearance around 10:30 and it's slowly warming up, might see 40F today. Just heard the forecast, may get more white stuff Thursday. Woo-hoo.
Oh no... and you thought you were all done with this stuff. I changed the snows over on the wife car today and put the blower away. Maybe a bad omen!!
Unless you guys are nice and share with me down here, I'm done with it for the season. Now, I'm just a sitting target for twisters.
I just bought a paint chip book NAPA from 1967 to 1997 for 100 bucks total. Not sure if it was a deal but I am happy.
If your happy that's all that matters. As far as I know most of the old mixing colors to reproduce the old paints has been deleted from the paint mixing benches in the body shops and paint stores. But the color chips and paint codes are still of use and not everyone has them so good find CF. Remember one thing though the same color could have 4 or more different mixing formulas and in the old days lots more. The color on my Scamp has 7 different color matches just depends on where and when it was produced. and it is a 2018 I think paint. When people tell me they have the factory color on there car and is a perfect match to the original color I just smile because to get it butt on perfect I think not.
If your happy that's all that matters. As far as I know most of the old mixing colors to reproduce the old paints has been deleted from the paint mixing benches in the body shops and paint stores. But the color chips and paint codes are still of use and not everyone has them so good find CF. Remember one thing though the same color could have 4 or more different mixing formulas and in the old days lots more. The color on my Scamp has 7 different color matches just depends on where and when it was produced. and it is a 2018 I think paint. When people tell me they have the factory color on there car and is a perfect match to the original color I just smile because to get it butt on perfect I think not.
Just my 2 cents. :)
A large dump truck was going along the Gardiner xpressway which is a hwy going through Toronto. He was pushing a mini sideways down the hwy for over a km before he stopped. Luckily nobody got hurt but the truck driver got charged. Roadrage???? Or maybe the mini driver cut in front of the truck and the driver didn't see him.
Morning, the dump truck and the mini has made the bc news ! Happy rainy huuuuummmmppp daaaaayyyy.
I tried posting some pics of the progress but for some reason that won't work

Well, I got the frame up (all you old geezers probably forgot what I'm working on, it's a lean too shelter for the paddle boat)

And right now I'm waiting at a semi local plant to pick up the OSB board
It will be 2x4 instead of 8x4 but who cares when it knocks the price down from almost 100 bucks to just under 50?
(Granted the full sheets would have left me with a 2x8 sheet left over, but I would have had to cut it myself too, so phooey on that

Oh, and dollars to donuts, the 2x4 sheets will be much more fun to toss up there then the 8x4s

After this I'll stop by lowess and get some 2x4x10 studs and I'll be in business