Last one to post in this thread wins!

Just repaint the whole thing EL5
Looks way gooder anyway
Cya guys. Have a safe evening and BTW we're going into another shutdown for 28 days because of the virus. People not following the rules etc and now the numbers are climbing once again. Averaging almost 2500 a day and the hospitals are filling up close to full capacity again.
Cya guys. Have a safe evening and BTW we're going into another shutdown for 28 days because of the virus. People not following the rules etc and now the numbers are climbing once again. Averaging almost 2500 a day and the hospitals are filling up close to full capacity again.
Michigan is the strictest of the states and is now #2 of all the states at over 6,000 a day new. I dont believe the shutdowns are working here in Michigan.
Went to work a few mornings ago and this was in the body shop to my surprise.
I was sober so it must be real. lol
Belongs to the bosses wife that is a display at her green house and the boss ask me if I wanted to paint it but said no but I'll hold the ladder for ya. It's 12 foot tall and getting attached to the critter now.
Went to work a few mornings ago and this was in the body shop to my surprise.
I was sober so it must be real. lol
Belongs to the bosses wife that is a display at her green house and the boss ask me if I wanted to paint it but said no but I'll hold the ladder for ya. It's 12 foot tall and getting attached to the critter now. View attachment 1715717157
I ordered one. You can set your own duration with this kit.
Not sure how you can set it to hold the valve open longer without a different set of lobes? The machining must be real tight on the shaft I would think but you know more about that than me.
Michigan is the strictest of the states and is now #2 of all the states at over 6,000 a day new. I dont believe the shutdowns are working here in Michigan.
Are PPE's mandatory when you go into to a store or at a gathering like it's supposed to be here? It's hitting the younger people here now because they don't wear a mask and they are having huge get togethers. A 33 yr old in hospital right now and on a ventilator plus a machine that increases the oxygen levels in his blood all because he went to a party. He WAS a very healthy person and now on death's door. Some guy in Toronto had 25 people at his place and no masks etc and we wonder why the numbers are going up. This 3rd wave variant is very dangerous. 6000 a day... wow that is awful!!!
Are PPE's mandatory when you go into to a store or at a gathering like it's supposed to be here? It's hitting the younger people here now because they don't wear a mask and they are having huge get togethers. A 33 yr old in hospital right now and on a ventilator plus a machine that increases the oxygen levels in his blood all because he went to a party. He WAS a very healthy person and now on death's door. Some guy in Toronto had 25 people at his place and no masks etc and we wonder why the numbers are going up. This 3rd wave variant is very dangerous. 6000 a day... wow that is awful!!!
Yes and people follow it. Everywhere I go people are wearing the mask. Some business also check your temp at the door before allowing you in.