Last one to post in this thread wins!

Wasn't bad today.
My Neighbour came over and helped me change the tires over on the 300.
Those things weight 65 lbs a piece so I can't put them back on the tire rack but he has no problems
I used to without any problems but can't now for some reason haha.
I went over at lunch and helped him change his two cars over.
We work well together.
We have some terrific neighbours around here.
Have a great evening fellas
Finished the last field and hauled it in. This year was a loss but that helps at tax time. Put the golf cart , mower and everything for winter. Let it snow if it wants now.
Morning fellas.
There was a huge fire just North of Toronto.
It was a housing complex.
The fire trucks got there and they parked their brand new 2 million dollar truck there and it got way too hot and burned the brand new firetruck to the ground.
Can you say "WHOOPS"
Going to be an exciting day today, it's garbage day LOL
Have a good one
It was a very exciting day indeed. Cold and quite windy.
Every year around this time I always go up to the cemetery and put some poppies down.
One at my mom and dad's grave and one at old family friends that had served in the war.
Man it was windy up there as it's on a hill and nothing to protect you from the wind.
I always taken them down on Nov 12.
I even saw at one vets grave with our Canadian Flag upside down. That's a great insult to our country.
I almost pulled it out and had the flag in my hand but then left it.
Have a great one fellas
It was a very exciting day indeed. Cold and quite windy.
Every year around this time I always go up to the cemetery and put some poppies down.
One at my mom and dad's grave and one at old family friends that had served in the war.
Man it was windy up there as it's on a hill and nothing to protect you from the wind.
I always taken them down on Nov 12.
I even saw at one vets grave with our Canadian Flag upside down. That's a great insult to our country.
I almost pulled it out and had the flag in my hand but then left it.
Have a great one fellas
An upside down flag was/is a showing of maritime distress. I'm seeing some around here too. I don't think is disrespectful if used appropriately. What bothers me is all of the body draping and not taking it down at night. One of my neighbor gets it and the other has it stuck to his roof half of the time.