Last one to post in this thread wins!

Have a great day and be safe. Off to the shower to start the day. Be good, if you can't be good be careful...if you can't be careful name it after me
You guys talking about all this food is making me hungry.

Still can't breathe well so no appetite!
You guys talking about all this food is making me hungry.

Still can't breathe well so no appetite!
Morning Jeff, Not being able to breathe sucks. I am sorry, try and get over it soon Buddy.
Working on the scamp just finished sand blasting and coating the rust that was left with POR-15 metal prep, then rinsed it down with water. when it's dry will be putting POR -15 on and going to see if I can bondo over it. Never tried it that way but should work great.
He guys. Meds helping Jeff? We eat a lot of turkey. I like it better than beef in my spaghetti sauce. They changed the hours where my wife works to having to open at 9:00 and close at 9:00 Poor girl cant find help and will be working that shift till Christmas. All most killed her one year she got so run down but I'm here to help take care of her this time. Made her a power packed smoothy and a high protein lunch and some b-12 vitamin.
He Fred, what you gonna do to get the bondo to stick to the por-15.
Grabbing my coffee and gonna watch Marks movie now. Might work on my Tundra Today. Have a funeral at 1:00 Old schoool teacher. Super liked guy unlike other teachers I wished I would have mowed em down at the knees. I suppose I was bad enough with out doing that.
He guys. Meds helping Jeff? We eat a lot of turkey. I like it better than beef in my spaghetti sauce. They changed the hours where my wife works to having to open at 9:00 and close at 9:00 Poor girl cant find help and will be working that shift till Christmas. All most killed her one year she got so run down but I'm here to help take care of her this time. Made her a power packed smoothy and a high protein lunch and some b-12 vitamin.
He Fred, what you gonna do to get the bondo to stick to the por-15.
Grabbing my coffee and gonna watch Marks movie now. Might work on my Tundra Today. Have a funeral at 1:00 Old schoool teacher. Super liked guy unlike other teachers I wished I would have mowed em down at the knees. I suppose I was bad enough with out doing that.
Never tried putting bondo over POR-15 I figured I would sand it when real dry and see if the bondo sticks or not. I know Bed liner sticks to it real good.
Never tried putting bondo over POR-15 I figured I would sand it when real dry and see if the bondo sticks or not. I know Bed liner sticks to it real good.
I wish I would have done some testing of that when I had some por15 going. They say to get on it when its still tacky and would not have to sand it. Just hard to venture from conventional methods. Can you do a test for us? Grab a crust piece of metal, do the por15 and let it dry like 6 hours and put some filler on it and let that dry over night then take a hammer to it to test adhesion .
I wish I would have done some testing of that when I had some por15 going. They say to get on it when its still tacky and would not have to sand it. Just hard to venture from conventional methods. Can you do a test for us? Grab a crust piece of metal, do the por15 and let it dry like 6 hours and put some filler on it and let that dry over night then take a hammer to it to test adhesion .
Yep If I can dig the old 1/4 panel section I cut out out of the garbage can back. lol
That's a good idea MP.
I know they make a tye coat for when its dry and you dont have to sand that but with fller I dont know. They also have the putty that I think would work good on a lightly rusted floor
I never tried the putty they make. Posting some pics. on stage 1.
I will let that soak in for 1/2 hour that should be enough for a test.
So you are testing the metal prep and going to put bondo on that after neutralization?

I'm here for the show to see how all this testing shakes out!

Wow, Prednisone is some amazing stuff!

I'm here for the show to see how all this testing shakes out!

Wow, Prednisone is some amazing stuff!
I sure dont like the side effects. Never taken it myself. Made my MIL swell up pretty badly. Hope you can get weened back off of it and be OK.
Not too sure we have the same test going. I'm going to put 2 coats of black por15 on a rust piece and put bondo on it when its still a little sticky but can still touch it without tranfering to you finger. Then I'm going to let it dry overnight and scuff it with #150 and put bondo on that then give it all a stress test.