Last Post

Ok Know I am sure I know what a pissing contest is.

Come on fellow Americans !! The Canadians don't need to win the next one.

Send another one out and let us have another try! :grin:

Well, if we are going to do movie trivia.
Here’s the deal.
I’m going to give one of my favorite movie lines.
I don’t think Google will help you.
You will just have to know it.
That is why I chose it among other things.
If no one gets it, I will start giving clues.

“I might have spoken in haste about things to which I have not given a great deal of thought.”

Who said it and in what movie?
Trust me it's not that hard.
And if you get the who you won't have too much trouble with the what.

Don't be afraid to guess.
I could even do warmer or colder.
“I might have spoken in haste about things to which I have not given a great deal of thought.”

I am thinking I want to use a life line. Call a friend!!
Does nobody know the answer to my Cheech and Chong trivia question.


The skit was called "Lets make a dope deal" a knockoff of Monty Hall's "Lets make a deal"

Officer Stadanko was behind door 3 and they announced "You're Busted"

Not to be confused with officer Stadanko in there movie's later played by Stacy Keach.

And before Cheech was in Nash Bridges he was in the "Tin Cup " movie with johnson and costner:sign12:
“I might have spoken in haste about things to which I have not given a great deal of thought.”

man this is driving me crazy!! I have herd this fraise before.
I'll go ahead a give a clue to get people started. This made for tv movie comes on as least once a year and the actor was nominated for an Emmy.
He was twenty years younger than John Wayne.
My next clue may have something for our Canadian members.
Jimmy Stewart!!

Whats the name of that Christmas movie.?
The skit was called "Lets make a dope deal" a knockoff of Monty Hall's "Lets make a deal"

Officer Stadanko was behind door 3 and they announced "You're Busted"

Not to be confused with officer Stadanko in there movie's later played by Stacy Keach.

And before Cheech was in Nash Bridges he was in the "Tin Cup " movie with johnson and costner:sign12:

Ah, a real trivia buff that Dart-Swinger. You know I was going to correct One of Many by saying I though it was Sargent Stadanko but I wasn't positive. Good Job.

Ok this is driving me nuts.:cussing:

Sheriff Tailor Andy Giffent show. Just a guess.:sad1:
I sure aint much of a movie buff am I.:scratch:

Another clue please!! no I can wait untill everyone can get a shot at it.

Here is one. What was Festes's on gunsmocks jake asses name??:tool:
Jimmy Stewart? Sorry. No
You are getting warmer. Though the weather might be cold.
(That’s a clue)
Next time something for our Candian members?
If someone gets the actor they will get the movie.
If someone gets the movie they will get the actor.
I can’t make this too easy.
:scratch:No Sh)(*^&)*(&

No wonder the guy wants to leave! Please give it arest! Close this thread please!
I dont think that anyone has gone too far off topic. The heading of this post was "Last Post", and everyone is trying to get it. It's sorta like when a roomful of people are telling each other to be quiet.

I will try once again though..

This is officially the "Last Post" of this thread!


PS Do I win?
If ya don't like it, don't read it. Myself, I enoyed the limericks...