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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Some of you are undoubtedly aware that there is a honey bee crisis. If you don't think this is important, in a few years when you can't buy any sort of fruit or anything else that grows, that will be a stark reminder

Anyhow, "they" rent, move, haul bees. To a job. to pollenate. Now, it turns out, people are rounding up the bees "on a job" and hauling 'em off!!!
Very scary. We will BEE in big trouble if all the bees die off. MT
Wow, that is really serious! Hope they catch the idiots soon. Is not anything safe from theft anymore?
As an educational post I thought I would mention that Honey bees are not the only bees to pollinate fruit and vegetables.

Just so there not mass hysteria and hoarding of black plums.....:D

It is a major concern of mine as I garden and also have noticed there are less honey bees around. Thank god for other types of bees!
Thats been an issue in Calif for as long as I can remember, bee keepers that move their hives around for crop pollination make big bucks….as far as the bee`s dying off if you look up Zombee`s you`ll find that there is a fly that bury`s its eggs in the body of the bee, the bee is in a state of being confusion you`ll find them on the ground just wandering or out at times they would`t normally be out, then just as the fly emerges the bee will die off..