Laundry Day--What Do You Find in the Bottom of the Washer?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Threw some of my "work" clothes in the washer this morning along with a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt some construction worker left behind in the yard months ago. Pants much too short for me, same with the sleeves on the shirt, but I figured I could give them away to someone needy.

Once in a while I find a coin or two in the bottom of the washer. Today, I was surprised to find a condom (still in it's little package)! Not mine, must of been in one of the pockets of the construction worker's clothes.

For some reason this reminds me of the time my wife found a post-it note in my car that I saved that was left on my time card at work one day: "Meet Karen at the Plaza Hotel." Some crazy waitress I hardly knew that wanted me to lend her a deposit so she and a friend could rent an apartment after telling me she "loved me". I said no way.The only contact I had with the waitress was ordering a plate of tacos where she worked one evening. Telling the truth got me out of that jam.

Probably the best non decision you ever made. Lots of things you don't want to bring home to the wife.
I don't think my Dad ever did a load of laundry his entire life, neither during his 40 year marriage nor his 20 years as a widower.
I loved to tell the younger generation when the subject of dishwashers come up. That I have one that's 63 years old and still works great.
My wife find's my snuff can's and it makes her mad, lucky they've always been sealed.
99% of the time I do the dishes. My wife cooks our supper. I make lunch for the last 6 years since I retired. We have a great system. I do cook supper once in a while and do the dishes as well. Most of it goes in the dishwasher anyway.
Times have changed. My wife has a good job and busts her *** at work too. Marriage is a partnership.

I help around the house and do ALL of the laundry. Sometimes the kids will sneak their's in to the pile. I told them, I keep what I find. Mostly ones and fives, but have found a $20 bill before.
Times have changed. My wife has a good job and busts her *** at work too. Marriage is a partnership.

I help around the house and do ALL of the laundry. Sometimes the kids will sneak their's in to the pile. I told them, I keep what I find. Mostly ones and fives, but have found a $20 bill before.
Good for you. I like to see that. For some reason my wife doesn't want me to do the laundry but I do help fold and put away once its done. It's always been a partnership for my wife and I. Been married 47 years this June.
Thanks, it's worked for 28 years as of today!
Congratulations to you both. A lot of marriages don't last today unfortunately. Seems they give up too easy. My way or the highway it seems. Good for you and makes it easy when you pick the right one. My wife was 13 and I was 14 when we met and been together since. We're both 70 now.
A cure for your wife wanting you to do the laundry? Throw a bright red new t-shirt in there. When everything turns out pink, she will yell at you and tell you to never do the wash again! OK