Leaking trans question


1966 dart wagon

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
I reinstalled my 904 into my cuda last year and it leaked, always did, i put a new pan gasket on it and filter, still leaked, figured it was the dip stick o ring, fixed that still leaks. I left it alone last year didnt have the time to redo everything, well now onto this summer i am going to fix it, leaks annoy me.

Can i use RTV on a transmission pan gasket? should i, how am i going to make it so it doesnt leak around the bolt holes? I was talking to a local trans. shop about the issue, and they said sometimes the pan will indent where the bolts go making it leak where the bolts go. So my plan was to reinstall the the pan gasket w/o rtv, install a new dipstick tube since i probably have one laying around, new o ring, new shifter shaft seal.

any thoughts?:angry7:
Give 30 mins of your time to the pan.
The bottom of the trans is machined nice and flat so the pan should be too. Thing is they get banged up. While it is off you can use a ball pien hammer to dimple the bolt holes outward, then lay the pan flange down on something flat for checking and correct bends or warp with whatever means nessesary.
Even a cork gasket will seal it without rtv and such when done right.
a few years ago i had a leaking trans., i tried everything as you have. someone said maybe the reaction shaft o ring is leaking. they were right, i replaced it and the leak was gone. i think i did it with trans in car. if i remember right the reaction shaft operates the rear band apply.
Can I see some pic's of your "WAGGIN" Puuuuleeeeeaaaaaassssseeee???????

Give 30 mins of your time to the pan.
The bottom of the trans is machined nice and flat so the pan should be too. Thing is they get banged up. While it is off you can use a ball pien hammer to dimple the bolt holes outward, then lay the pan flange down on something flat for checking and correct bends or warp with whatever means nessesary.
Even a cork gasket will seal it without rtv and such when done right.

Redfish nailed it. I've seen many leak because somebody previously over tightened the bolts. Seen it on trans. pans and oil pans and valve covers.

RTV will probably seal it if even if the pan is warped but it's such a nasty mess to get off if you ever have to take the pan back off I allways try everything else first.
ok well i pulled the trans tonight to get the dang seal back in, noticed it appeared the line inlets(where the tran lines connect to the tranny) seems to be leaking can i take those brass fittings out and put some deflon tape on them?
You can use Teflon tape but pipe sealer usually works better. Teflon tape sometimes gets cut by the threads and don't seal as good. What ever you do make sure and be neat with it. Don't want any getting inside.