
No way, have I been just that busy????????
Hey Leanne-
I hope your taking the day off from working on all of our junk today and taking the Cuda out for a nice Drive. Best wishes and many more from all of us here at BRONX MOPARS.

Happy B-Day

Have a great birthday.When you light the candles make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy Just kidding make it a great one.
I wish I was there this morning with Leanna to share a hot cup of cocoa with her and get me a big hug and sneak in a birthday kiss.:color:
Happy birthday little sista, Keep doing your magic to these old car parts and
I hope you stay warm and have a fun birthday.:eek:ccasion:
Happy Brithday Leanna!! Enjoy the hell out of it!!
Well, thanks for the birthday wishes and extremely well received compliments everyone but it's LeANNE's birthday, not mine! (Mine was on September 12. As I was just telling BronxMopars Nick, at my age having one birthday a year is enough! LOL)

For future reference, my name has an "A" on the end.


Edit: Hey, if this means I get twice as many presents, I'll take the extra bday. ;-)
I think it's Leanne's birthday, not Leanna's.

I know... I had to do a double-take. We're going to have to give them nicknames to keep them separated.

Happy birthday "L",

*****Dang, beat me by two minutes.*****
Oh my gosh, where are my manners??? Some southern belle I am!

Happy Birthday LeAnne!!!!!! Hope your day is fabulous and spent doing whatever YOU want to do.
Oh Oh, I hope you aren't offended by the "resident hottie" comment LeAnne. Happy Birthday!

And LeAnna, didn't want to make you older to quick, I just didn't read close enough. Yeah, that's it, I'm old and can't read.

Gee I'm sure glad I saw this thread late and didn't make the same mistake as you other stumble bums.:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:

Happy birthday LeAnne with an e and may you have many more.