Let's help waggin get a new computer

Hey guys. I have $40 in pay pal ready to go to the cause. Please let me know where to send it asap!
I am happy to say that I talked to waggin :happy10:and he and I had a good talk and shared a couple tears of joy :happy10:
Small Block and OneOfMany has been pming each other along with homecloned and OneOfMany has a new lap top he is going to send to our great member waggin :cheers:
Small Block said that all OneOfMany asked is that we help with shipping :bootysha: I think I will be looking to send a few dollars to help send it and a few to go toward the new lap top for waggin :love7:
The lap top will be coming from Canada and I will let OneOfMany jump in here and let us know how we can lend a hand for this great act of kindness and the help he has offered to do for waggin, Bill is at work know, and I called him and he said to get'er posted :cheers:
waggin was a hard nut to crack but he finely said he will let us help him and he said a lap top will be perfect for him so he can use it in his shop and not run back and forth to the house :cheers:

Thank you Noel :happy10::happy10: and all the folk's here that put a warm spot in my hart. waggin is setting things up at a swap meet today to sell a few things and will be back with us when he get's to a friends house about 6pm and he wanted me to say he has been blest by all the members here and he wishes he had more people like us living close by his home :love7:
Sorry it took so long for me to jump in here and get the good new's out.

I am so sorry OneOfMany, I did not know or did I think about you wanting to stay anonymous on this, I started to remove some names here but it's why to late, memike made a bobo again !!
I have a 2 year old compaq that I just installed windows XP on, if someone will PM his address, I will send it out to him.
Great job Memike using all your powers of persuasion on Waggin!!

Thank you goldfish65, It was my pleasure to talk to him and he is a proud man for sure, hard worker and helpful to many folks here and at home.
I guess that's one thing I did right today 8), I hope all goes well and I am in on anything that is needed to help our waggin keep on keeping on :happy10:
It sounds like waggin is having computer trouble and was thinking for all he does here maybe we can pitch in somehow and help a brother out.

Does anybody want to start a auction? I will be in.

Curtis, hope this thread doesn't offend you but you do give alot back here and I want to help somehow.

Way to go Noel.:thumblef:You got a good heart.8)
I am a bit confused here, damn drugs are creating a fog. So what are we going to do? Paypal to Wagin? If not, to who?
guys i'm working on getting an auction together don't send any money to anyone yet this will be figured out in the next 2 hrs thanks superdart340
The details are in the process of being worked out which should take some form of success is as few as two or three days. When it all comes together we will expose the efforts to everyone and then you can assist in this effort. PM's are being sent around the globe as we speak and it will come together in a day or two so just set tight. I spoke with Waggs on the telle this morning so we're on the right track. Thanks guys and gals.
Small Block
:read2:Looking for it know :read2:
The details are in the process of being worked out which should take some form of success is as few as two or three days. When it all comes together we will expose the efforts to everyone and then you can assist in this effort. PM's are being sent around the globe as we speak and it will come together in a day or two so just set tight. I spoke with Waggs on the telle this morning so we're on the right track. Thanks guys and gals.
Small Block
I just had a cyber beer with waggin and I have an address :drinkers:
Let me dump some more old pm's again :clock:
Thats great to see some many people coming together to help people out in there time of need
i can't thank you guy's enough for what ya'll went and dun......Grant Thank You so much and everyone of ya'll here.......From the bottom of my heart I love all of ya'll....(not like that pete)......Lol daredevil always gits a word in....8)8)
It's a done deal. Grant, thanks for your help. We'll all continue to be blessed with the continued participation of Waggin. Thanks
Small Block