Life goes by fast- enjoy the small stuff



Karma is real and Life is short...
FABO Gold Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
North Franklin, CT
Every month I take my dad who’s in his 80’s for haircuts. As I sit here waiting my turn… I’m laughing over the barbershop conversation I’ve heard over the last 30 years of going with my Dad. Cars, cops, neighborhood chat, money, gold, guns. Movies, work…. Amazing the stuff we chat about. Those who experience this- enjoy this time. Sadly the conversation always goes to talk of the people who have passed recently and won’t be getting their head cleaned up. Well- my I’m next up.
Enjoy the moments. You never know when they could be the last, for you or someone else.
A great opportunity in life, enjoy every day if it. My old man was gone at 59, along with too many others. Hense my signature line...
My mother always said, "You don't feel how old you really are, until both of your parents are gone".

Lost best friend since 6 years old last week @51 (car wreck ) he was so original...Miss you Brian!!!


We lost our son to a heart atack a year and a half ago, he was 51. One moment he was washing his car in my driveway and the next he went down never to get up again. It's always a good sign to wake up on this side of the grass but you never know when it will be your last wake up. Enjoy the people around you, enjoy being alive and don't sweat the small stuff. Life is too short to be a grouch.
Just lost my closest cousin two weeks ago. He was fine, told his wife he would just snow blow a path to walk out of their short driveway and then come in. After hearing the snowblower run for twenty minutes his daughter went outside to see why and found him dead in the snow. Healthy 76 year old, gone, just like that. No signs of a problem until that day. The shock of his passing was unbelievable. I'll miss him the rest of my life. Love your family everyday because someday they, or you, will be gone. Never be embarrassed to say I love you to all of them.

TELESCO, Samuel F. of Lake View, NY November 27, 2023

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I always enjoy the conversations at the barber shop. I always go when I have plenty of Last time I went, there was a little bitty boy there with his Dad to get his first haircut. (The kid, not the Dad!) The young'n was an absolute hellion running around like a wild Indian all over the shop. I sat there and thought "This is gonna be one more show when he gets in the chair". I was dead wrong! When he got in the chair, he was calm as could be, never whimpered, protested or fidgeted! Just sat there smiling while the barber cut his hair. He went from looking like one of the Lost Boys to a handsome young man in about 10 minutes. He was good because the barber knew how to handle him instead of scaring him to death with his first ever haircut. My first one didn't go nearly as well 60 something years

Life certainly does go by FAST! In what will seem like a blink of the eye, that young man will be in his mid 60's, just retired and sitting in the barber shop watching some little guy get his first haircut. He might even be sitting there thinking....dang, that was me a few years ago! :( :eek:
When I was 27 I lost my (step)dad. He was 52 and died from complications from diabetes. We had some good times & some bad times (as most fathers/sons do). He taught me a great many things in the short time we had together. Sadly, he never got to meet my wife or our kids. I think of him every day (something throughout the day will trigger a memory of him). As the kids say; "YOLO" (You Only Live Once), so enjoy/share the time you have!
Been a long time since I was in a barber shop with Daddy. I miss that.
Have ya ever noticed how barbers tend to live longer than most!!??

A large percentage of my friends and cousins never grew old enough to even draw early Social Security. (So why is it broke!?)