life is funny?



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
my neighbor down the road bales my hay on halves, we shoot the chit, known him 7 years now. he tells me of his h s nova from 35 years ago, working at his uncles station/garage back then as a kid.

yesterday I stop to look at an A100 van for sale. no one home. across the road is the neighbor's uncle's garage. been CLOSED decades. never anyone there, but today there is. I walk over there to find he has been a mopar decades a go, has some good parts he wants to sell at good prices.

whats so funny is the neighbor NOR anyone else in this community has ever mentioned this guy. and t hey all know i'm a mopar guy... he does live 60 miles away, BUT.......

funny how even out here in the not so populated sticks how things turn up!!???? LOL
you got consider to most people compare having mopar guys in their community is like having crabs, you just dont advertise it

yesterday i was out working in the garage (duster parked outside) when i noticed this couple in their mid 60s walk by, walking their dog

i looked down at what i was doing and when i looked back up they were gawking at the duster
so i put the wrench down and walk over to them shoot the breeze for a second and they tell me they've come passed there a few times wondering what was under the tarp...they thought it must have been a chevelle

a few days before that i parked the car at my job and as i was walking into the building a truckdriver leaving the buildings says "nice car, is that a nova?"
no dude, its a 71 know, PLYMOUTH duster?
back in the mid 80's till about early 2000, I hunted cars, parts, bought, sold, traded...... loved it all.. then life grabed me my the tenders and got to where I had an occasional car and did no parts. bout 3-4 years ago I started picking up early A project cars for my personal little collection of toys.... and having fun again, but just picked up parts to fix what I have, did no "huntin".

it was fun hunting stuff decades back, but as the old bone yards are crushed, the dopers run the back roads looking to steal what scrap or old cars they can, and I moved 200 mi south of my old stomping grounds.... I just havn't spend any time networking mopar guys I know lately.

but it is so crazy that the neighbor never mentions that his uncle might still have some "stuff"! the neighbor is not into anything but cattle and hay, NO old cars!
I love it when I take the cuda out for gas. I always get a couple people who want to talk about the cars they used to have, but they all ask what is it ? It's like they have never seen a mopar before
years back when I was into the cars/parts heavy, the best way I found stuff was networking with friends I had made around the country. if say Ronnie in Tn. has a hemi E body guy, he had no real interest in say early a or b cars. I would call, we'd shoot the breeze, and nest thing I knew, he was telling me I needed to call so and so , he had a car or parts that were a screaming deal.

but gas was cheap back then. money to trade with was more plentiful! but life was FUN!! and people were faster to spend money on stuff. my rule of thumb whether a car or parts is if I have something I might want to sell, never ask more for it than what I would give.....
years back when I was into the cars/parts heavy, the best way I found stuff was networking with friends I had made around the country. if say Ronnie in Tn. has a hemi E body guy, he had no real interest in say early a or b cars. I would call, we'd shoot the breeze, and nest thing I knew, he was telling me I needed to call so and so , he had a car or parts that were a screaming deal.

but gas was cheap back then. money to trade with was more plentiful! but life was FUN!! and people were faster to spend money on stuff. my rule of thumb whether a car or parts is if I have something I might want to sell, never ask more for it than what I would give.....

Sounds like me back in the day and how i do things now.
Too bad we live so far apart, we could trade war :cheers:
when I first got into the old mopars, like 1985, I knew a guy that worked for the railroad as a track worker. he would look for cars as they traveled thru the country. he'd spot a bone yard hide back or a group of old cars and mark it on a map, and go back later. he was just into parting out cars, he destroyed so many good cars back then, a real shame.

fun telling car war stories. not sure if some of the younger guys would believe any of it!???