Life with littermates...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Can be very interesting at times. We got them about a month apart. Azul was here first. Even though she is a bit thinner she will often get the upper hand when they are play fighting. Mita will turn it around then turn up the aggression a bit, forcing us to break it up. Every now & then Red, our 12 year old Coonhound will go over and separate them. Queenie, our 12 year old Cattle Dog wants nothing to do with them inside, growling, snapping and snarling at them. Outside is a bit different. They can often be seen running in a pack together, Azul & Mit a bit behind her. Pick up a ball and game is on. Queenie will go after the ball with the 2 pups chasing after her. We have toys everywhere. Best toy on the planet for them is an empty plastic bottle. Whatever toy Mita picks up Azul has to have. Ernie bought 2 of the same toys yesterday, whoever picks up one first has to defend it. When Azul was here by herself I spent an afternoon hooking up a utility sink. Had bought the plastic drop pipe a bit on the long side. Soon as I cut it off Azul ran with it. That is what they are fighting over now.
Housebreaking is coming along slowly. One of them took a dump in the house earlier today, was probably Mita. Azul knows to go to the door and stand there. Left them outside yesterday, one at a time they came to the front door, when I would not open it they took off around the back to the doggy door. Neither one of them has a magnet on there collar just yet so we have to open it for them. But they have no trouble going thru it. They will often follow Queenie or Red when they go thru it.
If you are a dog person, and think more than one is a good idea I would strongly suggest getting littermates, while there has been some minor squabbles they do spend quite a bit of time together, peacefully hanging out....
My two are litter mates as well, but I got lucky. They say if you are going to pick more than one from the same litter, not to get two females.

They get along great though. Hope was the runt and Kyra was her bodyguard, she never left Hopes side. They are 4 years old now and still get along great. Hope is my alpha girl. The only time there is an issue is if Kyra tries to get attention from me while I'm already petting Hope. I also let them sleep in the bed and Hope will discipline Kyra for trying to get in the bed if Hope is already in it. But it is always a quick correction, never a fight.

" Whatever toy Mita picks up Azul has to have" Same goes for my two. I buy them each a toy (even though I know better now) and whichever one gets picked up first is the one they both want.

Glad to see that things are going well with the kids Ink!
My two are litter mates as well, but I got lucky. They say if you are going to pick more than one from the same litter, not to get two females.

They get along great though. Hope was the runt and Kyra was her bodyguard, she never left Hopes side. They are 4 years old now and still get along great. Hope is my alpha girl. The only time there is an issue is if Kyra tries to get attention from me while I'm already petting Hope. I also let them sleep in the bed and Hope will discipline Kyra for trying to get in the bed if Hope is already in it. But it is always a quick correction, never a fight.

" Whatever toy Mita picks up Azul has to have" Same goes for my two. I buy them each a toy (even though I know better now) and whichever one gets picked up first is the one they both want.

Glad to see that things are going well with the kids Ink!

Wonder why? Our last pups were a pair of male Redbones, they were half brothers born 2 weeks apart. We did have some issues over the years, much more so before we retired. Once we got up here other than an occasional growl at each other nothing happened.
We do have some minor squabbles now. But it looks more like it is because Azul is just very high energy. Mita likes her down time.
We do have one small problem, but it is not because they are siblings. Azul is damn near fearless. Mita, well, the vacuum scares her......the cordless drill does as well....and wheeling the mop bucket around causes a bit of stress. Yesterday I ended up spending a couple of hours in my chair with her on my lap, she eventually fell asleep.
Took Mita out for a solo ride in the truck yesterday to go get the paper. She sat next to me, front feet on my leg, leaning against my torso.

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They are cute together.

Yeah, they may have a few "spats", but they will get over it real quick. (like fighting with a brother/sister when you were young)...
Wonder why? Our last pups were a pair of male Redbones, they were half brothers born 2 weeks apart. We did have some issues over the years, much more so before we retired. Once we got up here other than an occasional growl at each other nothing happened.
We do have some minor squabbles now. But it looks more like it is because Azul is just very high energy. Mita likes her down time.
We do have one small problem, but it is not because they are siblings. Azul is damn near fearless. Mita, well, the vacuum scares her......the cordless drill does as well....and wheeling the mop bucket around causes a bit of stress. Yesterday I ended up spending a couple of hours in my chair with her on my lap, she eventually fell asleep.
Took Mita out for a solo ride in the truck yesterday to go get the paper. She sat next to me, front feet on my leg, leaning against my torso.

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I can't remember for certain, but thought that they were said to develop territorial issues. So far, no issues tho. The only issues I have ever had with them is when there was another dog in the house. My aunt was living with us for awhile and she had a female Jack Russel named Abbey. Hope and Abbey got along only for as long as it took Hope to figure that she was bigger than Abbey and didn't have to stand for crap. Once she figured that out all bets were off. They had to be permanently separated after that.

Not sure if Abbey being female had anything to do with it or if it was just Abbey's high strung/pampered attitude.

Both of mine hate the vacuum and will run and hide in my room when it comes out. Hope has gotten to the point where she won't run from if I am the one vacuuming, anyone else and she hides. Neither one of them likes water at all unless it is in their bowl. If they even heard me turn the hose on they would run through the doggie door and hide inside. Makes bath time real fun, haha.
I can't remember for certain, but thought that they were said to develop territorial issues. So far, no issues tho. The only issues I have ever had with them is when there was another dog in the house. My aunt was living with us for awhile and she had a female Jack Russel named Abbey. Hope and Abbey got along only for as long as it took Hope to figure that she was bigger than Abbey and didn't have to stand for crap. Once she figured that out all bets were off. They had to be permanently separated after that.

Not sure if Abbey being female had anything to do with it or if it was just Abbey's high strung/pampered attitude.

Both of mine hate the vacuum and will run and hide in my room when it comes out. Hope has gotten to the point where she won't run from if I am the one vacuuming, anyone else and she hides. Neither one of them likes water at all unless it is in their bowl. If they even heard me turn the hose on they would run through the doggie door and hide inside. Makes bath time real fun, haha.

Your hose troubles sound like what we went thru with Blue, the Coonhound we just had to put to sleep. He would be outside with us, 300 feet away. Turn the hose on and he would make a beeline for the doggy door.
Your hose troubles sound like what we went thru with Blue, the Coonhound we just had to put to sleep. He would be outside with us, 300 feet away. Turn the hose on and he would make a beeline for the doggy door.

Ha! Yup, they got smart about it too. Whenever they saw me going towards the spicket they would get all tense and wary. Then once I turned the water on they were gone!
Ha! Yup, they got smart about it too. Whenever they saw me going towards the spicket they would get all tense and wary. Then once I turned the water on they were gone!

Sounds very familiar.....we have the opposite end of the spectrum as well, our Cattle Dog can not get enough of the hose....

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Does your dog bite??? LOL!
