lights going out



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
jacksonville fla
last nite my headlights went out for approximately 25 seconds and it happend again 5 minutes later so is there a breaker swith on a 68 dart or where should i look thanks
I had the same problem in my Duster. intermittent loss of headlights and dash lights. Replaced the headlight Switch and high beam switch and no more flickering lights. the switches get old and the contacts in them get worn out.
That happened to my Dart. They would flicker on and off. The switch was old worn out and getting hot.
The switch will drop out intermitently. If you changed to a higher amp draw bulb a new switch might do the same thing.
i achieved that merit badge last yr for me it was the high beam switch i never replaced my headlight switch [knock on wood]
If the cars been upgraded recently to the quarts halogen or any other high draw headlights the switch might not handle it and you'll have to add a relay.
checked the dimmer and went ahead and replaced it even tho it was ok but when i turn on lights i have power going to dimmer switch but lights still intermitent where does power go when i leaves dimmer switch does it go back thru switch or somewhere else
Good advice and another great article Dan!

You need to take care with mounting the relays in such a manner that they do not get too much shock and vibration from the vehicle. I've seen the Bosh style relays actually break contact momentarily when jarred. That will make your lights flicker.
my car has went through 2 headlight switches and one dimmer switch in the last 2 years. granted I did drive my barracuda every day rain shine sun or snow for almost 2 years. still it is frustrating and I had the same symptoms.