Lock N Load with R. Lee Ermey



Nov 15, 2005
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I been checking this out and it's a great show. They run through the history and use of Tanks, Machine Guns, Artillery and Pistols so far. R. Lee cracks me up too, I'd love to have a beer with that guy. :toothy10: In one episode IIRC they fire a WWII era 76mm tank killer round at a car from the front. It takes out out the engine block and comes right out the back and it blows his hat right off! You just hear him say "Whoa!". The fun starts at about 6:20 on the video below, but the whole video is really cool.

lol i love the expression on his face when they fired the cannon. almost like he wasnt expecting it lol.
lol i love the expression on his face when they fired the cannon. almost like he wasnt expecting it lol.

I almost fell off the couch laughing when I first saw it. :toothy10: Then you hear the guy in next to him say "Son of A B!%$!" lol!
I love his shows they need to bring back mail call too!

Whats the matter numb nutz? Did mommy and daddy not pay you enough attention?
Still laughing my putuddy off :toothy10: Who said sixe doesn't matter :-D
That is one artillery knowledgeable funny old fart :cheers: I have seen some of his show's before but that one is to good =P~
I forgot I liked seeing his face when that hell cat shot his round and his hat got blown off :toothy10: Still LMAO :toothy10:
In one show he's challenged by a six-gun expert to shoot a jar while galloping on horseback. Anyone who's handled a gun and rode a horse knows that this is extremely difficult. After a few tries, Mr. Ermey say "Screw this" or something to that effect and comes blasting out on a Harley, with a Colt six gun and blows the jar away! Let me see if I can find the vid.
that was great thanks ramcharger

Your welcome daredevil! There's more clips of the "Tanks" episode there on the right of the video screen.

I couldn't find the pistol vid but if you get the history channel, I'm sure they'll re-run it. I've always liked "Mail Call" too.

I just did some research and found out that the man was awarded the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palms. He's the real deal.
R. Lee is one cool dude. He was a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant attached to an aviation company in Vietnam.

The TD, if I am not mistaken, is firing a 76mm gun (as opposed to the shorter, lower velocity gun found on most Sherman tanks). It was a British design (no doubt learned from their experience in North Africa and the German long barrelled 75mm guns and the dreaded 88mm antiaircraft gun).

I believe our last tank of the war, the Pershing, used a 90mm gun that was developed from our 90mm antiaircraft gun.

I catch the show every Friday night and have never been disappointed. Poor melons.
I almost fell off the couch laughing when I first saw it. :toothy10: Then you hear the guy in next to him say "Son of A B!%$!" lol!

That is some funny chit.....can't help but laugh when you think about it!:D
R. Lee is a national treasure....we need more like him.
I have had this picture since I was 6 years old Joe, It was all I had to know who my father was growing up. I have not taken it out of the frame in a long time. USAF Field Engineer, He said he would fly over area's and take pictures of the land for base camps, he ended up as an Architect and helped design our Collage and foot ball stadium here in town and was a building inspector for commercial buildings
I new my uncles more then I knew my father, My mom's brother was a Marine and was a marksman trainer with a M1 rifle. Robert Morgan "my father figure" has Trophies from the Marine's for shooting and medals as a trainer.
You look like your father Joe. I wish I new more about there time serving our country, But uncle Robert made up for it by letting me in his home every year between crop season. His family is my family:love7: and live just a 40 minute drive away.

I sure do miss him and will always remember all he has taught me, he made me the man I am today, I got to know my father for a little while and miss him to, But my uncle Robert Morgan has me in tears now. Damn it man.

I put the word Dad on the pack of the picture in 1965

dirt track 9 16 077.jpg

dirt track 9 16 079.jpg
Looks like I put this in the wrong thread sorry!!
Thank you Mike for sharing. You look very much like your father too.

I'm so glad to hear that your uncle Robert had taken you in and treated you like family. He sounds like a great man. Time well spent is more valuable then gold.

Maybe the mods can move it if you ask?
Thank you Mike for sharing. You look very much like your father too.

I'm so glad to hear that your uncle Robert had taken you in and treated you like family. He sounds like a great man. Time well spent is more valuable then gold.

Maybe the mods can move it if you ask?
I just double posted it to here, Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
Uncle Robert was the man, Bless you Joe