long overdue I am sorry



Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2009
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Awhile back several members were having trouble getting their parts from a member Ply30. Well I stood up for him and tried to clear up those problems. I am sorry I should have let you hang him. So here I am down the road fighting stage 4 throat and liver cancer. The master cylinder on my Douter took a crap and who should I run into but MR.Justin himself. I asked him if he had any power brake boosters and he said sure, he would sell me everything for my car for 35.00. I figured it a deal and picked up the booster and master cylinder from him. Long story short he did not supply all the parts to finish the install. Now two weeks of lies promises and excuses he now wants another 45.00 for the plunger from booster to brake pedal and the two what looks like support brackets. He is now mad at me and stated how disappointed he is about the way I have talked to him. So here I set sick as hell and he still has my parts I need to complete the install. He was suppose to get with me this evening and deliver the rest of the parts and he has disappeared . He told me the parts I need are parts of the brake pedal and that is why the extra 45.00. My wife says sue the little bastard, I think it is karma for standing up for him in the first place. So to all you guys That got taken and I was too dumb to see I am truly sorry, I have learned at 66 years old to look at the entire picture before I pick sides, I am now paying for poor decisions. I hope some day he gets his and it makes the news. may the creep burn in HELL . I have said I would never wish my cancer on anyone but he is frist in line if I could give it away before it kills me.
No harm here. I remember the thread about him. Im more than happy to help you with parts if you can post pics of what you need.
Prayers sent and positive thoughts sent your way.
Cancer flat out sucks
Will that Asshole ever be stopped?

A All mopar Lynch Mob might be our only Hope.
no clue on the thread and for me it doesn't matter - I'm with 4spd - do you have pics of what you need?
I have no pic's cause I have only seen pic's on my own. most of all I need the rod that goes in between the brake pedal and the pivot bracket on the back of the brake booster. There are also two brackets that I think support the front of the booster to the frame. It goes on a 70 Duster 340 4 spd any help would be great as I am finished with this scum bag.
I hope all works out well for you, sir. I'm praying for you.
Justin the creep will get his.
Ply30 = Scumb bag

A under wear dirt stain (or skid mark if you prefer) that steels from babies and the old alike.

Best of luck with your cancer. Stage 4 is a scary place.

What do you need for your cars brakes?
Crap happens as they say. I remember the thread.

That said, good luck with your battle, sir. Prayers sent your way.
Awhile back several members were having trouble getting their parts from a member Ply30. Well I stood up for him and tried to clear up those problems. I am sorry I should have let you hang him. So here I am down the road fighting stage 4 throat and liver cancer. The master cylinder on my Douter took a crap and who should I run into but MR.Justin himself. I asked him if he had any power brake boosters and he said sure, he would sell me everything for my car for 35.00. I figured it a deal and picked up the booster and master cylinder from him. Long story short he did not supply all the parts to finish the install. Now two weeks of lies promises and excuses he now wants another 45.00 for the plunger from booster to brake pedal and the two what looks like support brackets. He is now mad at me and stated how disappointed he is about the way I have talked to him. So here I set sick as hell and he still has my parts I need to complete the install. He was suppose to get with me this evening and deliver the rest of the parts and he has disappeared . He told me the parts I need are parts of the brake pedal and that is why the extra 45.00. My wife says sue the little bastard, I think it is karma for standing up for him in the first place. So to all you guys That got taken and I was too dumb to see I am truly sorry, I have learned at 66 years old to look at the entire picture before I pick sides, I am now paying for poor decisions. I hope some day he gets his and it makes the news. may the creep burn in HELL . I have said I would never wish my cancer on anyone but he is frist in line if I could give it away before it kills me.

There are laws against taking advantage of vulnerable adults. Make a police report and set the law after him. At the same time get the local media involved. Human interest story especially this time of the year. That will put some pressure on the law. It's not the amount of money but the fact he ripped you off that makes this an issue.
here is what I think is needed - circled in black - sorry, not the best pic. There are two brackets, a left and right and a plunger/activator rod.. I am willing to help with $$ for this, please PM me - thanks!


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I just went through my stash, and don't have one of those rods...just sold the last P/B setup I had last week.
If anyone on here has one they can part with, message me with your PayPal address. Send the part to Dusterdown and the bill to me
I just went through my stash, and don't have one of those rods...just sold the last P/B setup I had last week.
If anyone on here has one they can part with, message me with your PayPal address. Send the part to Dusterdown and the bill to me

Man I just have to say thanks for doing that Tony!
FABO at its best!
Don't waste any more of your time worrying about that guy. You need your focus on getting well. Sounds like some good guys on here are willing to help. Best wishes and prayers in your battle.


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Two more pics............


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Please don't wish the "creep to burn in hell". I don't know Ply30, but remember, it's their own misery, isolation, and loneliness that they must wake up to every day. Do not allow his to become yours. Bitterness destroys those who harbor it. By the sounds of it, your not the first to be burned by him. Sounds like his name has been called out here on FABO. You also sounded the alarm on FABO, it was 35 bucks, you can't be burned twice by him, Move on. I wish you the best in your illness.
Whoa guys I am not asking for a free ride here . your knowledge is all I can ask for. Thank all of you so much, Daves69 hit the nail on the head. The flat peice coming off the brackets that goes thorough the firewall and hooks to the brake pedal is what I need along with what I believe to be the supports for the front of the booster. Thank you all so much for the help and prayers, Cancer puts one in a very empty place ,kind of like fighting a ghost you can't see it but you sure as hell know it has a hold on you. God bless all the folks at a/bodies that have helped me with any questions I have ever had. Happy New Year to all. Steve
Whoa guys I am not asking for a free ride here . your knowledge is all I can ask for. Thank all of you so much, Daves69 hit the nail on the head. The flat peice coming off the brackets that goes thorough the firewall and hooks to the brake pedal is what I need along with what I believe to be the supports for the front of the booster. Thank you all so much for the help and prayers, Cancer puts one in a very empty place ,kind of like fighting a ghost you can't see it but you sure as hell know it has a hold on you. God bless all the folks at a/bodies that have helped me with any questions I have ever had. Happy New Year to all. Steve

I sent you a PM.
PM an address to me!
awesome! I hope this is working out!! Daves69 -- got your PM's - thank you sir for your help!! If there is ANYTHING I can do to help get this done, feel free to PM me- nice stuff all!!