Look out Memike!

Congratulations greendart72 :cheers: I sure have enjoyed ja here :cheers::cheers: I do allot of blabbing here as I learn from tec's like you :read2: I don't know how I would get along with out this site to work my brain and enjoy my friends here :happy10: So keep'em coming :cheers:
Congrats Stan......Keep up the great work!
Congrats Stan......Keep up the great work!

I am terrible remembering names Sister C :happy10: I was born in the 50'es and the 70'es was good to me I guess :toothy10::toothy10:
Thank you for reminding me :cheers:
Thanks greenhornet, Mike and Cheryl! Your right Tnplumber memike is the man!
One of the reasons I joined FABO was because of Memikes posts that I read in various threads when I was just lurking.
Congrats on 2000.....I'm working on it but will never catch the man!