Look what she made me do!



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Ladson, Sc
I had a beard when I met her, and have had at least a goat, fu, or full, 85% of the time that we've been together......over 25yrs. Although I've kept them close, mainly because of work, i finally decided about a month or so ago to let it eat.....

Well, about two weeks ago, she brings up, "don't you think it's time for a trim ?". My response was " I think i'm going Duck Dynasty".

Needless to say, the pestering continued, so I finally broke down and this is the sad result. :banghead:

View attachment 006.jpg

And After.....
View attachment 007.jpg

I look like a f'in alien......Shoot me please........lol.
You showed her. That'll teach her not to ask again.
I've gotta say I'm on your other half's side on this...maybe you needed a change. I think you look good and 10 years younger.
I bet it feels strange not having any facial hair now...you look younger too :glasses7:
Smoooooth move right there!!

Looks great IMO....younger too :thumleft:
Thanks for the responses everyone......Only been about 5hrs and it's still weird looking in the mirror. I just thought i'd have a little fun with it....:thumbrig:
Maybe she was a hopin yer new do is better for U-Turns beneath the sheets,...just sayin...

I just read the posts back to her, and she cracked up on yours.:mrgreen:
May still be some hope after all......lol.
I get told I look younger when I shed the fur in the Spring. Of course I would cause most of my beard has gone to SALT instead of pepper. Went to Hawaii last Sept., had to shave everything to get a seal on my snorkel mask. Bad move - wife said she couldn't sleep with a strange man!
I saw a dude at the grocery store with a ZZ Topp beard, all the time, when I worked the register.

He came in one day with the left half shaven clean. It was pretty awesome.
Mr Bonds: I saw a dude at the grocery store with a ZZ Topp beard, all the time, when I worked the register.

He came in one day with the left half shaven clean. It was pretty awesome.
That's cool.Don't give me ideas,like that.
congrats, now you look like a banker. lol
Hmmm....definitely younger! Not bad. But watch out, her next request may be to wax your back!! Ouch!
Dang Rick that's a big hange and like others have said you look much younger.
Look at it this way you don't gotta clean your beard after every meal now
Thanks to all the brave souls who viewed post one.:D You gave me a few chuckles and made me feel better about it.

P.S. I apologize for any retinal damage that may have occurred while viewing.
Funny thing is oldmanrick fit the first picture, now, not so much so. Can we request a name change... Maybe slickrick :)