Lookie what I saw today

Nice car Wally,but your right about the salt.That car will show signs of rotting by the springtime now.I,ll drive my cars right up to the first salting,then they,re put away so they look the same for yrs to come.:D

Don,t see any 1960/1970,s cars on the roads here...ever in the wintertime.
Thing is there are not many of these cars left so Why tF would you drive one in the salt and destroy it. Plus what if a 2012 ricer stops fast in front of you on the highway on ice.........bye bye vintage Mopar. These cars are meant to be driven , yes, but now they are to be cherished as well and not beaten into the ground.

i understand what you are saying. but then i see alot of hacking and cobbling going on right here on this site. and people are getting praised for it. don't get me wrong there are alot of nice cars being preserved and built here. but then there is a percentage being butchered aswell. sorry something tipped my cog.
But life can be short. Many of these cars will still be running after we are gone. A few will be beaten to death, lol

Maybe it was the guy's only ride to work ? Yeah I know, 5 years of this salt eats holes in these cars when they were brand new.

I swear they don't dump the salt like they did in the 70's--80's. Still any salt isn't good and again too easy to smash these cars.

I recall back in the mid 1990's one Dec day when I had to use my nice car to go to work, some sweet 60's car all fancy and pretty was sitting in the middle of the road with major front end damge. The driver was OK, of course but that car looked bad. Was savable but costly and 1996 we didn't have ebay for parts. He need both fenders, hood and all grill and bumper stuff--and frame work
I love how everyone sees a duster parked in about half an inch of snow, and automatically assumes the owner must be some baby eating satanist hell-bent on destroying a perfectly good Mopar. Maybe he loves his car and is ok driving it every day. It's just a car people. I drive my dart no matter what the weather, because that's the way it was designed to be used. I take good care of it, and wash it, but we got five inches of snow here yesterday and I was out driving around in the middle of it. Driving it for one winter is not going to cause the frame to completely rust and cause all the body panels t fall off. And somebody mentioned rear ending someone with abs who stopped on ice.... Abs isn't some miracle solution that allows you to stop instantly in any situation. If you're on sheer ice, you're still screwed.

Bottom line, if my car starts to rust, I'll fix it. I'll rebuild it as many times as I have to to keep it forever. I love it more than any woman I've ever been with, but at the end of the day, it's still a car.
Don't hate on the man, you don't know him.
This is nuts, terrible day, lots of accidents because of the weather and I see this accross the parking lot while having a coffee. White interior, console automatic, Duster twister. clean car

I realize back in the day they were considered okay for daily driving back in the day because thats where the technology was, and not alot of concern for safety features, bad brakes, no feel steering and a light back end and no crumple zones to speak of, in the snow if you have another choice? I mean do you still have a TV with tubes or green shag carpet?
Thing is there are not many of these cars left so Why tF would you drive one in the salt and destroy it. Plus what if a 2012 ricer stops fast in front of you on the highway on ice.........bye bye vintage Mopar. These cars are meant to be driven , yes, but now they are to be cherished as well and not beaten into the ground.

X2 I couldn't agree more!
I would have waited and made him an offer he wouldn't refuse. I would have offered him my 2010 Avenger R/T even up if it was that nice.
I was tempted. I looked inside and the interior was mint. The guy put a GPS in it so it might be a daily driver, who knows. Very strange to see a car like that on the road this time of year and on a bad day too. Wanted to rescue it.

I use a GPS in my 72 Dart as my speedometer. Don't want to correct it until after the V8 swap. The GPS works fine for now.
It could be the car has stop signs made into floor pans and a gallon of mud in each 1/4 panel. I have seen good body men do that with these old cars as daily drivers and you wouldnt know the difference from a mint one rolling down the street.
I hate to see them driven in the salt, too, but I remember when I bought my '69 Coronet in 1988 from a kid who bought it from the original owner in Mississippi. The kid drove it all winter just before I bought it and I saw it covered with salt but it never rusted at all. I owned it several years and it never even started to rust anywhere, so sometimes a car like this can take one year's worth of salt with no adverse effects. I sure wouldn't want to try it, though.
As a 16 year old driving our 1970 340 Swinger to school and on dates in the winter as a daily driver, I obviously never thought about preserving the car at all but was really thankful for how the Dart went through the snow. The Swinger was like a tank, you could go anywhere and not be worried about getting stuck in the Pennsylvania winter weather. 340 + closed rear end/limited slip = tons of fun in dry or snowy weather.
I drive mine in the snow and salt. :)

Wow, a pic of a neat car in the snow, don't think he meant for this to become a debate! Maybe the guy really likes old cars and refuses to drive anything new. I thought it would be cool to have lots of money, then I would buy a 69 Charger or 70 Hemicuda and drive it all winter just because I can! If it gets rusty I could restore it again and drive it next winter :D
I love how everyone sees a duster parked in about half an inch of snow, and automatically assumes the owner must be some baby eating satanist hell-bent on destroying a perfectly good Mopar. Maybe he loves his car and is ok driving it every day. It's just a car people. I drive my dart no matter what the weather, because that's the way it was designed to be used. I take good care of it, and wash it, but we got five inches of snow here yesterday and I was out driving around in the middle of it. Driving it for one winter is not going to cause the frame to completely rust and cause all the body panels t fall off. And somebody mentioned rear ending someone with abs who stopped on ice.... Abs isn't some miracle solution that allows you to stop instantly in any situation. If you're on sheer ice, you're still screwed.

Bottom line, if my car starts to rust, I'll fix it. I'll rebuild it as many times as I have to to keep it forever. I love it more than any woman I've ever been with, but at the end of the day, it's still a car.
Don't hate on the man, you don't know him.

I agree with you 100%.
Great post! :cheers:
I bet he can't wait to get off work so he
can do a big fat donut in the parking lot!
You know I would, bunches of them.

I have fun with my stuff, I could care less
about saving it for the next guy.
He can restore my stuff when I'm gone.
It's all about my joy and happiness in the only
life I'm gonna have.
Anal people are a buzz kill, they suck the
joy and happiness out of life.