Looking for a little help!

Apr 3, 2022
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Hiiiii all,

I have a 1965 plymouth valiant station wagon that needs some maintenance. Never done it myself but I'm gonna give it a go. If you could all spare some info that'd be great!

First, there's a belt making a terrible squeaking sound. A friend suggested checking the power steering reservoir, I did, it's topped up. Switching out the belt was the next suggestion. Any links or tips for doing so?

I was going to spray some WD40 and see if that did the trick but I was also told that increases the chance of the belt ripping. Is this true?
Doubt if WD would help your squeak. If you do use it do not get it on the belt.
Is your belt tight ? That is the first thing to check. If it is loose or worn and setting down into the pulley that could cause a squeak. Also the noise could be coming from the alternator bearings. Possibly the water pump, but I would think that it would be leaking coolant if that were the case.
If the belts are old, replacing them wouldn't hurt. I've lightly run a bar of soap on each edge of the belt while the engine is running (watch your hands and sleeves etc.). If the squeak goes away, change the belts, it wouldn't hurt. The soap won't hurt anything either.
Nice car.
You'll find good people here. You've already received good advice.
Sometimes there's some good natured teasing, so if you get some, just smile and give it back.
Pictures accompanying questions are always helpful.
And never be afraid to ask a question. At one point, everyone here knew nothing!
I locate squeeks simply by dribbling or spraying water on the belts.
Some belts like to stick to the pulleys, and that for sure makes them squeek. My solution is to deglaze the drive edges.
I had one of those in 1976, with a 340 in it. I sure miss it. After a few years I gave it to my younger brother when he got old enough to drive. I sometimes wonder what ever happened to it.
This is The Welcome Wagon. Where you introduce yourself and pictures of your ride. We have specific areas of the forum to post for help and questions in all different areas. You'll get a lot more answers a lot quicker if you use the forum correctly.

Welcome aboard!
loosen bolt on the upper arm that has the long slot.
push alternator over loosening belt.
belt will come off front over fan.
reverse procedure to install new belt and sight down it from side of car to make sure its lined up.
you can remove belt before hitting the auto parts store and take it with you to get the right length. note where your bolt is in the slot if you want a smidge smaller. a little smaller is a lot of difference. if its not dead lined up then that needs to be dealt with in my humble opinion.

Oh and we have 10 cats. Well......plus two strays now. :rolleyes:
Belts will squeek if they have had anti-freeze dribbled on them.[/QUOTE
This is The Welcome Wagon. Where you introduce yourself and pictures of your ride. We have specific areas of the forum to post for help and questions in all different areas. You'll get a lot more answers a lot quicker if you use the forum correctly.

Welcome aboard!

Noted! I was so eager that I didn't scroll past the welcome forum.
Belts will squeek if they have had anti-freeze dribbled on them.

I think that may be the case! My car overheated slightly just before the squeak began happening- the radiator has a small hole so it spewed out fluid. Will give everything a try but pretty sure this might be what happened. Thank you!
Whatever you do, do NOT post a selfie, this ain't facebook and there is almost nobody here that is not a macho-man, and most are old macho-men. Well except me; I'm just old.

Good thing you said something… jk! I would hope to not see selfies on here. But you know what? I do hope to read some interesting stories from you experienced mopar heads. Can’t tell you how much I like hearing back in the day tales or just car stories in general. As for me, I’ll be sure to strictly post car and cat content only.
Hiiiii all,

I have a 1965 plymouth valiant station wagon that needs some maintenance. Never done it myself but I'm gonna give it a go. If you could all spare some info that'd be great!

First, there's a belt making a terrible squeaking sound. A friend suggested checking the power steering reservoir, I did, it's topped up. Switching out the belt was the next suggestion. Any links or tips for doing so?

I was going to spray some WD40 and see if that did the trick but I was also told that increases the chance of the belt ripping. Is this true?
Welcome! Nice Ride !!!