Looking for lower steering column parts 67 Cuda



Sep 21, 2015
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I have been looking around for several items to repair the lower end of the steering column. I need the lower bearing assembly and the lever to actuate the reverse lights switch. If anyone has a lead to where I can find something.....
Thanks. I did a search and found the thread. I think I will pull it out and replace with a sealed ball bearing. I’ll machine a bronze bushing if needed for the gap. I think I can find a solution for the reverse light lever also.
As far as I know, I think the reverse light switch lever WAS available from the dealer, but that was eons ago. I converted to floor shift, so I didn't need that lever. The service manual says it cannot be reused.
When something mechanical fails something has to give. Engineers provide a point of failure relief. So if/when the electrical/mechanical reverse lamp switch binds/sticks, A week driver might not be able to move the shifter. Strong driver could apply enough force on the shift lever to a steel pin and have springs and things fall in the floor from that switch. Plastic pin moving the switch was engineers failure relief point. Proper service repair is both plastic pin and switch replaced.
Appreciate the comments. I will probably get a nylon screw from home depot if I determine the switch is good. It's not absolutely necessary but when I have the column all apart I like to fix what I can so I am not coming back around to it later on.