Looking for the Gurus

Okay, i'll take a stab at it.
The ''late'' writing on the sheet refers to parts unavailable at the time the car was intended to be built.
This would also add up to the ''special handling'' comment at the bottom of the sheet because the car was built in stages and put aside until all of the components arrived to eventually complete the build.
The items circled may be the items that they were waiting for to complete the build.
The ''rev lite'' writing would probably refer to a dash assembly that has a reverse light on the bottom of it for all 4 speed cars and near there is the D21 (4 speed) circled using the same pencil type.
That might have been what they were primarily waiting for.
The scheduled build date on the fender tag is 608 (June 8th 1972) but the car was probably finally finished some time after that but in the same month, as the door sticker reveals the month built of 6-72 (June 1972).
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They had an elaborate inventory system, if parts were not available to finish the car on hand, the build would have been delayed until they did.

The glove box broadcast sheets had things circled or noted that affected the actual build of the dash assembly, so the circled items are completely normal.
Go slow.

Get some extra hands involved if & when needed to pull the springs away from the sheet & foam.

It took two of us to get one out from under a Super Bird bucket seat intact & four of us to get one out of a T/A rear seat, one corner of it was rolled up over the top of the rear frame & pinched in there pretty hard.
It took a little leg work, but I was actually able to track down every owner of my car and get them all at the same show for a picture!


They had an elaborate inventory system, if parts were not available to finish the car on hand, the build would have been delayed until they did.

The glove box broadcast sheets had things circled or noted that affected the actual build of the dash assembly, so the circled items are completely normal.
Well it was a stab in the dark by me anyway.
Sorry if i gave out misinformation, i was merely trying to help.