Losing my job..

Sorry to hear it and good luck... We just found out a good portion of a group may be moved to consolidate. I am hoping like hell I am not one of them and I am hoping that if I am not, that I still have a job... We should know in 2-3 weeks...
I worked for a third party logistics provided contracted to general Motors Wilmington Assembly building Solstices and Skys. I got laid off for the first time in my life at the end of this past May. 56 years old with 30+ years experience and I can't even get an interview for a low paying fulltime job. Oh well.
My home is paid for and the kids are grown. Im fed up with middle management and all of the stress and lousy employees. I still send out resumes but I am leaning towards semi retirement at this time. Currently doing a soft pretzel baking job for $8.00/hr collecting unemployment from Delaware (I get the max and its a whopping $355.00/wk), sleeping nights, being a shlep and loving it! I use to drive 72 miles one way to work and paid $12.00/day in tolls to get there and back. I now drive less than a mile to work.Fortunately my wife works and has a stable position so I can do this arrangement.
As one person said you have to go back to previous training. I baked for Dunkin Donuts when I was 16 and this is the best I could do for now.
Wait until Christmas and many retailers feel the sting of no sales because of so many people out of work. Won't be good. The fact is this...........
There are more people than jobs. The worst is yet to come and it won't be getting any better until serious changes are made.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Although you may be trying to make it more palatible to potential buyers, I would shoot for selling the car outright and forget the partial trade (at least for now).
I just got my notice Tuesday that my last day is Friday. I would have liked at least two weeks. Things will turn around sometime, keep you head up and your resume out..
Keep your chin up, as they say, I lost my job of 14 years to the company being sold and my position eliminated, cost me my Harley, to pay taxes, til I got back on my feet. Been self employed for the past 13 years now. Good luck, things always happen for a reason, there may be a better oppurtunity just waiting for you.

All I can say is damn. Who,s gonna be working before long? Only the self promoting self consuming goverment. Glad erkel can just print money whenever he wants.Keep the unemployment checks coming. Soon We will all be the same,broke. The commies in the white house will have broken us down to the lowest common denominator.Guess when it happens to me i will start robbing like the other side has been doing all along because they didnt want to work. No my pride would allow me to starve before i stooped that low.
I knew a month ago it was possible that I may be losing my job.So I went to the bank to try and refinance my home.I would be going from 6.5% to 5.25% interest.I would save $120.00 a month.The bank said your apporved for the loan but you have to have PMI insurance since I owe more than 80% on my home.Sorry but the PMI insurance will not insure you,so no loan.
WTF I said I have PMI insurance on the loan I have now.The banker said well its alittle hard to get a loan now than it was a year ago.This just blows I told him.I said well the stimulis plan sure in the F**K did not help me did it.

Build and test the modules for Cat.The modules have the main harness,dash,steering,ripper and dozer controls.
I also wired Cat generators for 4 years.Before that I built cabinets in a woodshop.
I knew a month ago it was possible that I may be losing my job.So I went to the bank to try and refinance my home.I would be going from 6.5% to 5.25% interest.I would save $120.00 a month.The bank said your apporved for the loan but you have to have PMI insurance since I owe more than 80% on my home.Sorry but the PMI insurance will not insure you,so no loan.
WTF I said I have PMI insurance on the loan I have now.The banker said well its alittle hard to get a loan now than it was a year ago.This just blows I told him.I said well the stimulis plan sure in the F**K did not help me did it.


This scenario just made my blood boil. :angry5:

Sorry to hear of your job loss......14 years is a long time. Best 2 you & your family.

DD calling him Erkel is priceless......