Lost My Wife

I am sorry truly for your loss, and offer prayers for your comfort as best can be had. I wish I had the command of our language that will offer healing, but I don't. Stay strong and know for sure you may lean on me anytime you need an ear.
Holeee cow, man....what a terrible thing to happen. This must be devastating for you. PLEASE reach out to family. Times like these can make you feel aimless, hopeless and at great risk. I'm sorry to hear of anyone's mate passing on. When the love of your life is gone, everything gets disrupted. Make sure to eat and take care of yourself.
RIP to your lady.
Nothing that can be said will make up for your loss. But please know that we here anre all praying for you and hoping you reach out if you need any help. I lost my wife four years ago unexpectedly, and can understand the hole in your heart.
I know that I don't post on here that often, but I check the site pretty much every day. I've been happy to help a few people with this and that. I'm devastated, I just lost my wife of 33 years to a heart attack although she had been having health issues for quite some time. If anyone is interested, one of her customers put up a nice tribute on Facebook, Look under Pla Mor Ballroom, her name was Sharon. I now realize that we don't live forever. So in the future I will be posted excess parts that I have for sale. I don't want to leave the burden of my packed garage for someone else to deal with. Thank you for reading.
I am so sorry. I know you've helped me more than once with proper belts. I don't know what to say. Kitty has had one stroke and four heart attacks in the past and this has been a big fear of mine. May God's comfort and grace surround you in this time of sorrow.
I have read your posts on occasion and thank you, I have no words for your pain in losing Sharon your long time partner mate and absolute best friend. We will add you to our prayer list and burn sage for your family. As so many others have pointed out already, grief has several stages the one thing that certainly makes it easier is sharing the burden of grief. Whether it be in here or with family and friends do not keep it all bottled up inside. Our family just went thru this situation not two months ago, they were married just over 30 years. it was terrible as you well know. Stay strong.
Saying a prayer in honor of your wife. May she Rest In Peace, and may you find peace and comfort in your heart as the days pass. I’m very sorry to hear of her passing, I would be devastated as well.
Sorry for your loss. May Sharon rest in peace. May God give u the strength you need at this difficult time. We’re praying for you and your family. Kim
Sorry for your loss. Prayers to all affected
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Take solace in the 33 wonderful years that you were blessed to have together, and have heart in the fact you will be together again one day. In the meantime, be strong- she is still with you and always will be.
There are no words anyone can say to lessen your pain and sorrow. My thoughts are with you and family.
I know that I don't post on here that often, but I check the site pretty much every day. I've been happy to help a few people with this and that. I'm devastated, I just lost my wife of 33 years to a heart attack although she had been having health issues for quite some time. If anyone is interested, one of her customers put up a nice tribute on Facebook, Look under Pla Mor Ballroom, her name was Sharon. I now realize that we don't live forever. So in the future I will be posted excess parts that I have for sale. I don't want to leave the burden of my packed garage for someone else to deal with. Thank you for reading.
My family and I will put you and your wife in our prayers, brother. 33 years is something to be very proud of and thankful for. Words on a computer screen I know, but nevertheless, hoping the absolute best for you and others in finding peace and serenity.
I know that I don't post on here that often, but I check the site pretty much every day. I've been happy to help a few people with this and that. I'm devastated, I just lost my wife of 33 years to a heart attack although she had been having health issues for quite some time. If anyone is interested, one of her customers put up a nice tribute on Facebook, Look under Pla Mor Ballroom, her name was Sharon. I now realize that we don't live forever. So in the future I will be posted excess parts that I have for sale. I don't want to leave the burden of my packed garage for someone else to deal with. Thank you for reading.
Sorry for your loss. Take some time before making any big decisions. Good luck friend
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.
I pray that you find peace and comfort in the days ahead knowing that she is a a place without suffering and strife. May you be rejoined in that glorious place.
Remember her and look for her to let you know she’s with you always. You have purpose left in this place. She wants you to finish your race. Our final reward is in heaven.
As long as you hear her voice or can remember her smiling at you in the sunshine she will always be with you, it’s only when you forget to hold her in your heart that she will truly be gone.