Lost our other cat today

Jul 11, 2009
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Surrounded by mopar
Some of you might remember a thread I started a yr ago about the loss of my cat 'peek a boo'...she had died from renal kidney failure at the age of 8yrs old...well today was her sisters time....it seems they all had this trait in the blood line since they were the last 2 of the litter, all had passed the same way with most at an even earlier age. We had her on fluids, gave them to her every morning for a yr...but she became incontinent and stopped going outside and even stopped eating yesterday...along with the fact that she was down to a couple of pounds. She was such a tough cat weighing in a 13 pounds in her prime...and would chase off all other cats and keep the males from pissin up the place...

This morning she just laid on the floor and barely could lift her head, didnt eat her treats and had pee'd herself...
I just held her for a while and said goodbye, she knew it was time...and I think was very ready.

Now she is with her sister in the flower bed out front.

RIP Squeak


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Sorry to hear about Squeak. Can´t imagine to loose any of our four cats.
Hard to loose a family member.
So sorry Justin. It's obvious you loved Squeak very much. She was beautiful, that's one of the nicest photos of a pet I've seen.
My deepest sympathy. Always been a cat guy. I know most guys aren't but I am. It's amazing how attached we get to them. They are better than some family members. So long Squeak.
Cats are fuzzy, cute, a companion to cheer you up when you're down, stress relief when you're cranky. Sure they act a bit like a woman with a selective attention span, but they always love you and will always be connected to you and your life. I miss my cats and dogs, I can't own any more due to how hard it is to get over when they pass...
Squeak looks like she had a lot of character.

Family pets are just that.....family. My sympathy for your loss to your family.
Ya I feel for ya big time.We had a cat I named smokey for 15 years,my son used to play kitty jail with him when he was 5 we loved that cat.He got cancer and got sick it killed me the day Cin & I took him in to be well put in a better place then here.We still think of him.Man wish I had not read your post.Again sorry for your great losssssssssssssss.
Sorry about the loss of your cat. Pretty cool cat.
RIP Squeak, Im sorry for your loss but on another note she is not suffering any more,it doesn't get any easier to lose any animal that becomes part of your family I lost both my 12 year old dogs and a 15 year old main coon cat this year and it stinks,there are so many cats and dogs in our shelters that need help so make yourself feel a little better and go get one it will not replace your lose but it does make you feel a little better. Here's a pic of our cat chaser,he is 1 year old and has fit right in with our family zoo,3 cats,2 quacker parrots,1 sun conquer and Bruce.
im sorry man i know we aint seen eye to sye on some things .. but im truely sorry to here that at least u was there with her when she went man u know that made it ez'er on her to know she was not alone .. in the last year ive lost my dog of 13 years and my cat of 12 so i know what ur going though
Sorry to hear,my condolances.My family's been there,it hurts.
Sorry to hear about Squeak. If someone would have told me that I would ever have a cat I would have told them they were crazy. That was before Harmony came to us 6 years ago at 8 weeks of age. It didn't take her long to get a hold of my heart strings, and now I couldn't think of not having her. I do not look forward to the day when she leaves us, but I just try to enjoy every day with her. RIP Squeak.
My sympathies. They do become part of you, don't they?

I've lost two, one was "Harvey", the great white cat, in a house fire.

"Little bug" died from some sort of lung problem. She had a good life.

I'm now on my third, "Marti." She's the most contrary of 'em all. She thinks she's the boss.

Sorry to hear of your loss.

My 2 cats are brothers and were the last of the litter to be given away. They're going to be 13 in a month or so. I'm allergic as hell to the two turd factories but as much as the hairballs and puke piles are pissing me off these days, I'm glad they're back with me and not at my ex's place. I think I need to go give them a budda-belly rub.

as a cat lover also....sorry for your lost....lost a old friend a few years ago too...
A cat lover too. I have lost a few myself. The hardest part is taking them to the vet knowing they will be better off but leaving without them. I sympathize your loss. Mike