Made a decision yesterday



Sep 20, 2023
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Made a decision yesterday,having a hysterectomy for preventive reasons done next month.I knew ovarian cancer runs in my mom's side of the family and decided to get tested for this gene.Results came up I have it.My husband has been great to me about it and discussed it together.He is 100% supportive of me having this done.Was with me when I seen the specialist yesterday.At 44 years old,knew it was a wise decision to have this done.Mom,she said I learned well.She lost both of her older sisters to this.She had hers done at age 50 for preventive reasons with no regrets to this day.
Yep, gotta go with the statistics. My GF had her tubes tied because she is type 1 diabetic and doesnt want to pass it on. Supposed to skip a gen but her dad was also type 1.
Good for you! My wife had a total hysterectomy in her early 50's and has not regretted it in the slightest. Give yourself time to heal up and recover, and then check into Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. My wife does that and it makes her feel great. You've got a good husband for standing right beside you, so good for him and you. If you decide to do the HRT that I mentioned above, tell him he'd better eat his Wheaties to keep up! :)
Good for you! My wife had a total hysterectomy in her early 50's and has not regretted it in the slightest. Give yourself time to heal up and recover, and then check into Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. My wife does that and it makes her feel great. You've got a good husband for standing right beside you, so good for him and you. If you decide to do the HRT that I mentioned above, tell him he'd better eat his Wheaties to keep up! :)
Husband knows I am a fighter and not letting this hold me back
Thanks for letting the world know. :rolleyes:
In recent years, We've lost a number of Members prematurely, & I'm sure a number of Their spouses....We may not hear about all of them. Bringing awareness to this, & encouraging female Members and Wives of Members to be pro-active about it could save a life, or many......better than watching them go thru' the same operation while fighting a battle with cancer & maybe losing in the end. I have no problem with Her posting this, even if it seems a bit too personal for some.
For sure a big decision; not making it one way or the other would be the worst option.

Onwards and upwards now. Speaking of upwards, what’s it been like cruising in your 440 Six pack 70 ‘Cuda??
My exwife had a total hysterectomy at age 30 because of endometriosis and it ruined her nerves it made her ******* crazy..we only lasted 9 years
Prayers for you and all affected.

PrayerHands (10).jpg
Wow prayers for you and your family

That's so much to go through, between your friend dying, inheriting a rare car, your kid getting married, and a hysterectomy, and joining a website, all within a month, how can you handle it all?
Wow prayers for you and your family

That's so much to go through, between your friend dying, inheriting a rare car, your kid getting married, and a hysterectomy, and joining a website, all within a month, how can you handle it all?
She also shot and killed her rapist.
It is kinda strange we don't jump on other guys for sharing personal stuff on here. How many members have had illnesses and shared? Lost a wife? Yeah, it's a little personal, but it's her choice to share. Kitty had to have a complete hystorectomy several years ago because of fibroid tumors. Thank God those were all benign. It happens.
It is kinda strange we don't jump on other guys for sharing personal stuff on here. How many members have had illnesses and shared? Lost a wife? Yeah, it's a little personal, but it's her choice to share. Kitty had to have a complete hystorectomy several years ago because of fibroid tumors. Thank God those were all benign. It happens.
You know, I think a big part of it is how new she is here

It's like any other friendship, it takes time to get cultivated and I think a few of us think she is sharing information we wouldn't expect just yet

Then again, I met a woman once who during our very first conversation told me about her gal bladder surgery, to the point I was afraid she was gonna offer to show of her scar

Some people are just open like that
I'm makin a decision too. I'm ignoring this thread and the OP. I highly suggest it.
I'm makin a decision too. I'm ignoring this thread and the OP. I highly suggest it.
Doesn't she kinda remind you of the member we had a while ago?
The one who was rather top heavy and married to that corvette guy