Magazine availability question



Aug 15, 2009
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MI 49203
As some of you may have heard, I am the December 2010 winner in the young guns contest in Mopar Muscle Magazine.

I know they release the magazine's 2 months in advance ,,,,so the December issue is actually available in October.

My question is, does anyone know normally when the "new month's" magazine hits the stores shelves?

I normally just grab one when I am at a store on whatever day I happen to be in that store but have never known a definitive date of the magazine release.

I am a subscriber to the mag also but would like to go to a store and snag a bunch of copies as soon as they come out as keep sakes and for friends and family and what not.

Thanks in advance!
Maybe you can send the publisher an e mail to find out when it comes out?

The publisher is a very hard person to get in contact with and they are so busy that it would most likely take them a couple weeks atleast to get back to me and by then the mag will already be out.

I have had trouble getting in contact with them in the passed.

thanks anyhow, hopefully someone else chimes in that is a "religious purchaser" but not a subscriber lol.
Ill have to keep an eye out for this issue as well.My subscription just ran out in July.But yeah,I believe they are a couple months apart
You know there was a time when I could tell you when what magazine comes out. However the last 2 years I have been so busy that I keep missing more and more magazines at my favourite news stand. My magazine collection goes back to January 1980. 99.9% of my magazines are in mint shape and are kept in comic book bags on a couple wall units in my bedroom. Older magazines that I don't have room for are still bagged and packed away in comic book boxes. I spend about $50 a month on magazines and NO, I'm not throwing them away.

So here's what you can do. Pick a news stand/ magazine shop - not a corner store - and just ask them when the next issue comes out. They will know. They get regular deliveries all the time. Also most news stands will keep you copies if you ask them to. All you need to do is give them your phone # so they can call you when it comes in. i used to deliver newspapers to these type of stores and they always had people's "orders" organized in the back room.
