Man Stabs Puppy 5 Times

Stories like that are the very reason the only piece of the paper I read are the Comics....Ernie laughs at me when I say it is the only non-depressing part of the paper....
I can't comprehend how anyone could do this. It will be hard for a judge to determine a just punishment. The article says the poor puppy is expected to recover.
Right there is one good reason I could never be a cop. I would end up behind bars for giving that guy a .45 ACP enema.
Those stories make me sick.....I love my pups and could never hurt them :love6:
Yesterday our local TV news reported a man got poked by a dirty needle/syringe. The dope head had purposely hidden the thing under the toilet paper in a public restroom. The victim will be tested and retested for HIV and other diseases for years to come.
It could have just as easily been someones child.
To all those who apparently want to go to hell... Gods speed.
I agree w/ camd64 , I have no use for animal abusers , don't think there's a place for them in society. The methods of torture I have imagined for them is unbelievable. And I wouldn't buy into all that, well they were unstable, they were on narcotics, too f'in bad. Dogs aren't unstable or on narcotics they just love you .
cruelty to animals is the first sign of a serial killer. I say we stab him 5 times.
Bad people do bad things all the time.
Why bring this garbage to peoples attention?
All this is, is more noise to upset your life.
He was caught and will pay.
Yall know where I stand on this :angry4: Yes Grant :thumblef:that would be a real good start to mend my feeling of that SSB..
My feelings go out to all the animals that I see being raised wrong and I wish I had a badge on me sometimes that would let me tie some of these people up to a tree and make them set in the heat with out water and attention :angryfir: But this is just as bad and worse...
I bet ramcharger remembers me watering a dog up the road and was tied up with no one around for 3 or more day :book: I water him and came back the next day and got a lip lashing from the dirt bag renting the house :? The dog was 30 yards away from the house and 10 yards away from the hwy I lived on.... I said I was not going to call this in but you can count on it know :rambo: some times it takes me to a dark place when it comes to animal abuse :eek:fftheai: He came by my house while I was outside working on my 63 Valiant and thanked me.. Animal control told him who I was and said it would be a good idea :usa2: True story here some where..
This scumbag needs to learn what it feels like to be carved on.
Perhaps if he's convicted and jailed, "Bubba" will introduce him to something else "doggie style" for a few months.
We had a nut here that did a similar thing, stabbing his pet pit-bull with a sword. His neighbors reportedly saw him bag the dog and throw its body in a garbage can. He was arrested and charged with cruelty to animals. He had alcohol and mental problems. It's a shame that anybody can have a pet.
You need a license to fish but any BF'ing idiot can have a pet or a kid.
As a "Puppy Stabber", he won't do too well in prison. I'd like to stab him in the face with a hot soldering iron before he goes.

I remember what you did Mike and Kudos to you brother.

Animal abuse almost always precedes serial killing. This is one sick individual. The good news is mr. puppy will survive and I'm sure they'll be damn careful who adopts him.

Doug, I think I'm going to stick to the weather channel. This stuff just drives me nuts when pets or kids get tortured like this.
I bet he claims self defense, I mean those puppies licking your face and barking could be seen as a threat by some morons.

They interviewed him in jail and said that the puppy tried to kill him. :booty: The police could find no marks on him. He's in protective custody so the other inmates don't take him out. I say put him in general population so he can get what he deserves. :axe:
step one would be to sterilize the dirtbag to be sure he never breeds.
Reading this less than a month after I had to say goodbye to my Furry Buddy makes me sick.
This is why I wish I was around 100 years ago. In this case there would be one bullet used 100 years ago and the story would be over.
It is times like this where I believe public executions would be great to deter some of these POS! Back to the times of the dark ages, you take a life out of stupidity we take yours as well, you steal we take your hands, and you hurt animals we hang you from the neck, or take four horses and rip you apart!:angry4: