Man talking about a cracked head.

Video works for me and I'm a nonfacebook guy. I was "surprised" to see TF's.
Curious what the rest of the carnage looks like.
I doubt the o-ring is the cause of the problem. Most heads are o-ringed because of higher compression and/or boost pressures. I know that Ed Hamburger told me to o-ring the heads on my 273 when I was running north of 11-1 compression. It stopped me from blowing head gaskets, which happened on a regular basis prior to having the o-rings done.
My first thoughts were with regard to how well the chamber is executed! Second came the thought of what the HxLL kinda-dynamite was in the chamber to cause that. I'm also wondering if how raised the o-ring is was a contributor.

I think 32 pounds of forced pressure had a lot to do with it.