Man, that RustyRatRod guy...

Oh boy....
I do want to add that Mike is a good kid. He listens and does the first time. He's a little weak and I had to break a few nuts loose for him, but he's a small kid and ain't got much *** behind him. lol He's done a great job on is truck, too. He rebuilt the entire top half and re-cammed it himself. No small task for a 22 year old kid that's never done engine work. While I did give him pointers online and over the phone, he turned all the wrenches and did all the work himself. I am really excited to help someone that actually wants to learn something. More young people need to be like Mike.
Hemi Hal and his sidekick Sissie Sal. :toothy10:

I honestly thought doing the top end on my truck wasn't too hard, it was mostly just paying attention to what I was doing and with all the pointers you gave me, it came out great. And I am glad to have someone to teach me, I am always willing to learn.:glasses7:
I'm going over to visit a friend tomorrow. He wants me to haul some junk soon. This guy may have your bench.
I could actually listen to you talk about that.
I have the voice of ten midgets, in person. Wizard of Oz. Most of the time, I sing.

Be glad it doesn't translate in text.

I'll know a lot more about the seat, tomorrow after work. If he's got it, it's junk/ freebee.
Funny you make that comparison. I am watching The Wizard of Oz right now. No kiddin.

Telepathy must come through in text.

It's the lollypop guild... They have mental powers.
kinda guy id like to see come into my garage in about a month sounds like I could teach him a thing or 3 about ribs and he could show me a thing or 2 about putting headers in a nasty 65 barracuda id throw him right on my ski doo and show him what gettn to the strip house quick is like even if he doesn't like naked women and Sammy hagar mabee he likes the women that snort whiskey and DIG MOPARS .WE got the toyz that make HEAVY METAL NOISE and can always use a good wrenchman when we accidently find our limits and can take what they dish out too WHOOORA