Member photos? Lets see your ugly mugs!

Here's my ugly mug

And my way better looking wifey.

The big lebowski! ^

Keep em coming :D goes to show you mopar guys come from all walks of life.
ARRRRR, heres a picture of me and me crew!! Thats me, little Thomas, Pippy Longstocking, and the Good Witch of the North, headed out to plunder the candy rich town of Pinckney!! Shiver me timbers, Candy HO!!!! Geof

Wow!! My mom would read Pippy Longstocking's to us boys about 42 years ago :coffee2: If I remember she could jump fences and do back flips back on to her porch and was a strong young lady. Thank you for sharing Geof, Yall look so good having fun, this brought some great memories to my hart this morning :coffee2:
This usually has to go through my agent, but i'll make an exception this time.
Christine's gonna kill me for this!


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I'll kill two birds with one stone. Here's my ugly mug and my ugly Dart.


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