memoy lane


kenny b

kenny b
Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
perth ontario canada
The american thanksgiving always takes me back to when I was just a young lad. I was a mechanic in one of Ottawa's chrysler dealerships for my first years in the trade. We always went to Montreal on the thursday and friday for training sessions. I remember going for dinners and watching the football games on what was then the big screens. ( 27" ) The training shops were in the back of the parts wharehouse and distribution center. This one particular day in 1981 I was out back looking at the guys in the rail cars un-loading some wooden crates and pallets. I walked as close as I could and too my amazement they were unloading a box-car of 426 hemi engines. I asked what they were going to do with them and the guy said they were going to smash them with a sledge hammer. The government says that parts must be kept in stock for 10 years following the last production date and that these engines had reached that time. I couldn't beleive it when they actually started taking the sledge to them while they photographed the resulting carnage. They were worth more to chrysler as scrap metal than they would be as sold units. Still today, I wonder how much that box-car of engines was worth.

kenny b:
Make's ya wan't to say "huuua" don't it.
They did not want to make money on it so
they did not want anyone to see them.:study:

I say bring back an updated slant
stick it in a nice Rumble Bee truck and get her dun.
and do what they could have 30 years ago.:evil3:

Was that Ottawa Ill. ??