Stay on the good side of Karma and all will be well! I believe that Bro!
It is a clique on here and there are other places to get parts...I can see how people would leave. There is alot of one sided nonsense arguments on her about stupid stuff. Once all the good people leave the clique will argue internally and force each other out that's how narrow mindedness and a willingness to not listen works...its already happening here that's why people are : "gone missing"
It is a clique on here and there are other places to get parts...I can see how people would leave. There is alot of one sided nonsense arguments on her about stupid stuff. Once all the good people leave the clique will argue internally and force each other out that's how narrow mindedness and a willingness to not listen works...its already happening here that's why people are : "gone missing"
I miss Del.
I miss Del.
In my experience they don't like something you post so they pounce on you every time they see you post something . Some of us just go out in the garage instead of hanging on here arguing...the ones that don't have a car are just here to stir up mud...same as on any forum there's guys on Harley forums with no bike etc. The Harley guys are ok though...I haven't been attacked there like here...here when you defend yourself you get banned...I never start anything with anyone, however I will defend myself...this is how I carry myself through life. This is how I succeed.
I checked his profile and "last seen 2018"?? 6 years? There's no way it's been that long.
Sure doesn't seem like it, for sure! Time gets away though. Winston is a good guy, humble and seems like an old Rocker...lol. He got in a bad car wreck and was hurt pretty bad, but that was a while before his last post. Hope he's still on this side of the grass, and doing ok.
It is a clique on here and there are other places to get parts...I can see how people would leave. There is alot of one sided nonsense arguments on her about stupid stuff. Once all the good people leave the clique will argue internally and force each other out that's how narrow mindedness and a willingness to not listen works...its already happening here that's why people are : "gone missing"
I sort of left because of the age gap. kind of. The older I get, the more into my generations cars I get. Stuff like the hemi Chargers, Chevy Commodores, maybe a lexus sc 300, C6 corvettes, vipers, toyota Century, kei trucks, etc just the newer cars. I do like the older stuff but I'm not a rebuilder, I'm a modifier. There's a difference. My dad is a rebuilder, he used to strip cars down to the frame and rebuild them back up. I learned how to do that but honestly I don't really have the desire to go that far into a car. My barracuda is the exception, but my next project fun car will be something that runs well that I can just take off the road for a few weekends, change what I want, then drive it again. I prefer driving my vehicles over working on them. I absolutely know how to, just don't feel like it. And since literally every car that's older than me is going to have some semblance of rebuilding I'm kind of over it. The other reason is this forum skews pretty much on the older side. There's nothing wrong with that being that most people here grew up with these cars, I just don't find a majority of the topics in the off topic section interesting because almost none of them apply to me. So I come back and lurk every now and again. I'm trying to get my other motorcycle up and running again for cheap, then get started on getting the barracuda back on the road.
68383GTS hasn't been around in awhile. He had a smallblock overdrive bellhousing I was talking to him about, and I don't know if I just pissed him off or what, but he's been silent since February.
It is a clique on here and there are other places to get parts...I can see how people would leave. There is alot of one sided nonsense arguments on her about stupid stuff. Once all the good people leave the clique will argue internally and force each other out that's how narrow mindedness and a willingness to not listen works...its already happening here that's why people are : "gone missing"
This is why I am hardly ever on here anymore. Hell....just look at how much activity my last post or 2 got.