Micheal Jackson has died!!

What a coincedence. Farrah, and Mikey die on the same day, and I still have my Farrah poster, and Petty Blue still has his Mikey poster(and I heard He has cut the fingers off his Mechanix gloves)
Bill,were you doing Farrah?Cause she died of Anal Cancer!Yes my gloves work very well,but only 1 finger cut out for ya!LOL!:thebirdm:
What a complete sick wacko, this is up there with when then pulled the cord on saddam:cheers:

He was a proven child molestor,and had no talent. Anyone who thinks his death is untimely or a tragedy needs to put the crack pipe down.The man never even wrote his own songs,and was an unfit father:angry7:.I see not one good thing from his time on this planet....other than when his head caught on fire in the pepsi commercial...still brings a smile to my face.

Ya Ya I am a heartless bastard,but I call 'em like I see 'em.
I hope they bury him face down so he can see where he's going. Pedophile freak. Dangling his kid over a railing. Dumbass won't be missed by me (not that it matters).

However, when I die I'll be burried face down as well. But unlike Mikey, it's so the whole world can kiss my @$$ when I'm gone. :bootysha: :toothy10: :toothy10: :toothy10:

Great! Do you guys know what this is going to do to Ross (res1vw21)? Michael Jackson was like a god to the poor kid, he has a life sized poster hanging on the wall next to his bed. I mean he was such a big fan that when he worked on cars he would wear one mechanix glove that he glued rhinestones all over. It's really sad he is just going to be crushed, I guess I will have to call him and break the news :angry7:

Alot of you younger guys wouldn,t know,but when he was young with the Jackson 5,the boy had oodles of talent!To bad he turned into freak of nature!750 million albums sold!It,ll be awhile for anyone to match that!!
I won't disrespect the guy after he died, but I will say he is gonna become more popular now than ever.

Remember God has already forgiven the worst of us.
Alot of you younger guys wouldn,t know,but when he was young with the Jackson 5,the boy had oodles of talent!To bad he turned into freak of nature!750 million albums sold!It,ll be awhile for anyone to match that!!

There is a difference between knot knowing and not giving a crap. Granted that when he was younger there was a bit of talent but if it weren't for the whole family gimmick behind him he would have just been some kid who had a mean daddy.

Look at that, I bet he is crying like a little girl whose pet kitten just got fed into a meat grinder.
I'm waiting for the hoex announcment. If I was MJ and wanted to disappear I would pull this........he was pretty talented but also pretty F%^ed up. They better not compare him to Elvis............Elvis was a god.
how do you know it's bed time at the MJ household?

when the big hand is on the little hand.
It's all BS. I just saw MJ, Lorne Green, and Elvis at Checkers, eating a bacon burger. What is sad is that this day will be remembered as the day MJ died and Farrah WHO?