Missile's New Rear Quater Panels


blue missile

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Austin Texas
Here are the pics of the rear quarter panel replacement and extension. I have always intended to add three inches of sheet metal to lower the rear panels and create a valance for the car. I banged out two and got one completely installed and bondo'd in today . Ill finish the other and create the valance tomorrow.


rearquater 1.jpg

rearquater 2.jpg

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rearquater 5.jpg
That is a very good job and idea. You may want to try a valance from a Dart and fill in the center. just my thoughts.
68 Dodge,
Thanks for the feedback, I will be fabricating a valance from scratch tomorrow.
I don't think it will be deep enough to completely enclose the exhaust tips so they will have to be hung half below the valance.
Ill post pics tomorrow.
Well, I was wrong about the size of the valance, it turned out to be 5" tall and the holes for the 4" afterburners do actually fit.
It got way too hot in the sun 101deg here in Texas, so Ill grind down all the welds and prime it tomm.

valance 1.jpg

valance 2.jpg

valance 4.jpg

valance 5.jpg
I like the idea. Are you doing rocker, fender, valance as well??
I don't think so, I made the leading edge of the rear quarter even with the existing rocker panel, however I will be adding roughly the same amount ( 3") of sheet metal to the front fender to give the car an even distance to the ground.
I still have the front bumper issue to resolve.
Hey guys,
I appologize for not remembering this is also a DYI kind of site. Sometimes you get so excited about having acomplished something you thought outside of your skill set, that you jump right to the end of the process and tell all about it.

I thought I would add some process pics for those who are looking for the steps in between the rust and the finished panel.

the first is a pic of the panel I banged out of flat sheet metal.
the second is the prep of the rear quater setting it up for the panel flanger
and the third is the panel flanger at work.
After that I screwed the panel back in place and welded it in. Removed the screws and welded the holes shut.
Hope this helps someone.

rearquater 6.jpg

rearquater 7.jpg

rearquater 8.jpg
Thank you for sharing some very nice work blue missile:cheers:
Man, Andrew, you sure getting it on with the Missile.

I was thinking about your issue with the front bumper. Being that you want to have the security and strength of the bumper, but want to change the look, have you considered using a piece of steel with shaped, contoured sheetmetal attached to it?
Thanks Guys
Fish, the issue with the front bumper is one of aesthetics rather than strength.
Oh by the way those that were discussing rear bumpers, my '73 is punched for the Ralf Nader shocks, but did not come with them.

Back to the issue at hand. As is, the front bumper is on the stock support structure. Because the bumper brackets are symmetrical I just flipped it over and reattached the bumper to it.

In another vein here are some rot repair pics at the rear above the passengers side of the bumper I did today.

rot repair 1.jpg

rot repair 2.jpg

rot reapir 3.jpg

rot repair 4.jpg

rot reapir 5.jpg