Missing a check ball????



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2011
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Galt CA
I have a 1975 Dodge Dart Swinger with a non-lockup 904 that looks like it's never been rebuilt...... Took the valve body apart today, and according to the rebuild manual, it's supposed to have 6 1/4" check balls in it, but mine only had 5..... Any ideas why that would be????
Not sure but I remember working on a brand X turbo 350 years ago and I put a shift kit in it and the instructions told you to discard one of the check balls....So maybe it has a shift kit in it??? just a thought
I'll look into that...... I remember vaguely something to that effect when I did a 904 about 15 years ago...... Thanks!!!
So what's missing?
As mentioned it might have already been kitted, and if I remember correctly the kits say to remove the far upper right ball for some.
Or was it the lower right one? :D

Phew!!!! Crisis averted (I hope)!!!! I found the B&M shift kit instructions and it shows a check ball missing from 1971-77 904's........ Doesn't look like my valve body has been modified at all...... It did have all kinds of crap in it from either the clutches or the bands...... not bad, just looks like the sludge I found in the pan and filter when I changed them..... Thanks for the help, guys!!!! Now it's on to rebuilding the rest of the trans!!!!
I completely tore the trans about and hopefully found the reason for the soft shifting and no shifting into 3rd gear....... the front clutch pack had about 3/8" of play!!!! I replaced the clutch packs from the new kit and the clearances came out perfectly!!!! So, I'm assuming they tried to rebuild the trans, and put the clutches from the front into the rear drum, and vice versa....... All the rest of the clearances were well within tolerance, so I should have a great shifting transmission when I'm all done!!!! Nothing was burnt or scored when I pulled it apart, so they must have just (kinda) rebuilt it.......