Mo' Parts Mo' Problems....Counting Cars.....



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Building a his and hers 1970 b-bodies.....a 70 Coronet 500 and a 70 Road Runner...both ragtops! But they are looking for a gauge cluster and pay $2000 for a 70 b-body rallye dash cluster!?!?!? WTF!!! From a junkyard no less....I like the show but if this crap continues it's only gonna hurt us real "MoPar" guys.....they did have some cool Hurst Chryslers on the same episode, I like the attention Mopar is getting on tv but not sure it's helping the hobby any :banghead:
All that guy does is talk and flap around those muscle-less arms.

Never seen him do any work
$2000 for a junkyard cluster is crazy. I've seen some sell for $1500 but they were reconditioned and restored. - And I always thought that was a nutty price. If they truly paid 2 grand it was because they weren't trying to hold down costs for their customer. I find the show to be entertaining too but I think they hype the prices they pay to make it seem as though they're justified in what they charge.

One of the sad things is that I've seen them bend guys over the fence when buying cars from them that they'll make a boat load of cash on. I don't know where reality stops and 'show drama' begins on these programs.

Maybe I should give them a call. I could retire if I parted out my cars to them.
When someone else is paying the bills.........
I agree its reality and just for entertainment but some people watch that stuff and probably thinks its real and feel justified to think theyre stuff is worth gold. the thing that got me and makes me think it was obviously staged just for a laugh was that the guy knew they were coming for a $2500 part and made em walk to the back of the lot and went a little shed and just grabbed it off the top of a pile of junk. oh well, if it was the real price like stated above they need to keep customer costs down by shopping for better stuff and prices. killin our hobby they are.
I just read an add at b bodies for sale. A pair of cracked and broken set of 70 coronet grills for 600 hundred fkn dollars that need complete repair and repaint. I have bought complete cars for that. That is gang rape with a shovel holy Christ. Talk about destroying the hobby
he actually got it for 1800.00,and his boss said it was the wrong one and no return.
sure msakes hard on hobby people.
but the problem is so many people believe what they see on T V and the movies is REAL!!????? LOL

and i'm not talking about the 6 year old child either!!!

there should be some common sense with this T V crap!!?????
My Uncle lives in Vegas and has several hot rods and goes to the local cruises with his car clubs, they and other clubs are often solicited by Danny to buy their cars. Actually all they are looking for is cool cars and people to do their "random" sightings and pullovers, they do their scenes and move on and do not even pay or offer even so much as a t-shirt for their time.
I have visited several of the tv show shops around the country and have found it funny how all these high dollar projects that were dirt cheap finds or customer bring ins, were actually still sitting in the showrooms with price tags on them seasons after they were supposedly sold. These shows are purely for entertainment value, sadly not everyone can go to these shops and see the real story and that is where the problem is, the majority of people look at these shows as truth and trust what they see. This hurts the car hobby as well as any other collectible or tradesman or other similar interests, unfortunately this will not change.
I watch these shows for entertainment and a good laugh because I know the behind the scenes type stuff that goes on, the producers of these shows want and expect drama and stupidity and comedy...that's what sells advertising. Most of the mechanics and shop owners on these shows aren't even the same people off the set, they are only acting.
So as we continue to build our cars and enjoy our hobby, we just need to cautious on who we buy our parts from and what we pay. Stay educated, on the true value of things through this site as well as other enthusiast based sites (depending on interest) and keep the hobby alive.
Sorry for the long rant, lack of sleep, lots of hours in the garage trying to beat a deadline, and too much coffee. lol :coffee2:
If I had the cars and parts that were going to be for sale, and I had a tv show, I'd say they worth a ton, too.

That's how control your own destiny.
I like seeing Mopar get some love on TV as well but this kinda crap and Barret Jackson auctions chap my a$$. Now every Tom, Dick & Harry with a rusted out A-body(or any mopar) in a field thinks its worth $5-10K. Ridiculous!
Just watched it..still laughing $1800.00 for a instrument cluster that needed to be restored it didn't look all that great...and why the hell would you ship 2 cars from New York to Vegas to be restored when there are plenty of shops right here on the east coast that do as good or much better work...
What do you guys mean about this show not being real,,,,,,,,,,,,,,next you'll tell me there is no Easter bunny,,,or worse yet,,,,,,,no santa?
Better then watching half the other stuff on tv anymore. I did like the cars minus the bumble stripe on the 70 roadrunner. On the cornet looked much better but not a fan of the custom graphics they put on some of the cars.
do any of you "old" guys remember back to the first "musclecar" craze? after the stock market crash of '87-8? whenever it was ,..... the rich jumped on the craze as the real rare cars were great investments, buy and trade among theirselves..... till..... it bottomed. the rich were pulling out in "91 and the mopar mags kept telling everyone in the articles how so and so just sold his 71 hemi cuda for $XXXXXXXX$$. perhaps to give all the wealthy a chance to unload!??? LOL
bout a year later it was common knowledge??? among usa little guys..... now don't tell me the rich didn't know what was going on!!??? then the only people that had any mopars were the little guy. prices tanked, until they crept back up to an even high ceiling!!! to eventually fall again.... here were are.
I have nothing against the wealthy. there are rich mopar fanatics just like the rest of us, but driving up prices of cars and parts does nothing to help the little guy and the hobby??????
even tho im not a big convertible person I did like the way the cars came out except the bee stripe on roadrunner.i like seeing any mopar get a restoration done instead of junking them or letting them rott away in there yard and not do anything with them
I still enjoy the show, and will still watch it from time to time, and yes, I know it's all fake and just for entertainment....but then make it more realistic and believable....still beats watching MTV Teen Mom and Houseskank-wife shows lmao! :happy1:

It's always cool to see Mopars on TV, just hated the stupid "dash" segment of that episode.
Hey, I like teen mom! Those are prime mid life crisis girls to go with my overly expensive hemi!!!!
Hopefully the tail stripes were decals,If those cars were mine that would be the 1st to go.