Models? WELL thats a LOADED question with me!


67 Power Wagon

Hemi Pawr or BUST!
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hell, USA
New to the group here, but a Mopar fanatic none the less, Hemi LOVER tho!

So, being said that, My Dad, a couple years ago on Christmas vacation, got me a model of a "Street Hemi" in 1/4th scale. By Hawk models.....I at the time, built it on his dining room table (At home, I got a full model shop!) So, I get the metal block together, add the Heads (after a short argument with him, on their placement orientation) and then fitted the valve covers, and sat and had a good look at this "model"!!!! This thing was HUGE to say the least! See:



Well I said to myself, OK, I model trains, got display cases full of them, they're easy to display, where in the hell, am I gonna display THIS!? Its HUGE!

So, after a gaze for about 5 minutes, I thought you know.....a LAMP!


It now resides on display on my night stand. The wife at first was a bit not in on the whole idea till it works out better then even the over head room light and looks cool doing it! :burnout:

My daughter thinks its the coolest thing........ I myself, love building models and such and some of what I'm working on now, is going to really get a few of you going when I post it! :-D

Stay tuned.........more to come!
very cool! that hemi is bigger than i thought. looking forward to seeing more :) and welcome!
Believe it or not, that's a 1/4th the size of the real motor! I got a little more to add to this one, I'm making/designing a custom black shade with the Hemi emblem on it in yes, you guessed it, Hemi Orange.....So. But, I have to get the shade my Dad picked up when I see him next (he's over 600 miles away at this point) so. Kind of a Father Son sort of build......I got 2 of those motors, for Christmas for 2012.....Good kits to build from Hawk models but......They are big. Detailed nicel;y, and I plan to go back and change a few details on this lamp that I built as I'm not pleased with the fan right now.... PLUS, I want to do something more with the "wire" radiator hoses, both top and low ones.

BUT to add to this madness, wait till the next one is done......I got the Street Hemi from my Dad, and my Step Mother got me the Pro-Stock Model.....That model is going to operate!

THEN I have a second light, that I'm working on.....This one, is top secret, as when I reveal it, its going to be a hit! :)