MOLES . . . the enemy

Here in Kalamazoo we take night crawlers and dip them in antifreeze then drop them in the riser holes. This will kill a bunch of them. They eat the grubs which is the larve of the june bug bettle. You can use Grub X or similar but unless you kill all the worms (their real favorite food) you won't get rid of them. Dachounds, Terriers, Corgies and some other breeds will also dig them up. Thats all I got!
Grab a cooler, tasty beverages, a lawn chair, and a pitchfork. When you see the ground moving, jab the pitch fork down just above where the movement was. Make sure you don't have to many tasty beverages first though; you don't want to put that pitchfork through your foot.

This works, but you need two pitchforks -preferably with the tines fairly close together. The first pitchfork goes down just behind where you see the tunnel moving so the varmint can't just reverse course on you. Then the killer pitchfork goes where you see the movement as it tries to get away.
Good luck.

(Actually I like the 12-guage idea better. More fun and noise!)
I have used a variation of the Verminator....

I throw an M80 down the hole. The concussion is amazing.
I have very good luck with harpoon style the trick is to step on tunnel were paddle is touching slows them down to dig right under spikes never had a miss except for when my kid messes with me I always like to confirm my kill my son set it off spent 10 min digging up ground looking for the critter then i seen him laughing his a$$ off at me.
A buddy of mine had them tearing up his front lawn. We ended up hooking a hose to the tailpipe of his circle track car and ran it into one of the holes a few feet in. Did the trick.
They're baaack...
Man- are these things the ugliest creature you ever seen? No wonder they can dig so fast and so frequent- look at them paws!
The mounds were getting so outta hand in my front yard that I decided I needed to tamp the mounds back down. I dont have a steamroller... so I proceeded to drive back and forth - back and forth with my car to once again have some level ground and more importantly... to hopefully crush a few moles in the process!
Only bad part is now my neighbors all think Im on drugs... driving back and forth on your yard, around trees and bushes avoiding the street and sidewalk in the middle of the day doesnt exactly look like a sane thing to do I guess...? ](*,)


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