Mom's car in 1976



New Member
Aug 30, 2024
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Carleton Place Ont Can
My mom recently passed away and in her honor I bought a replica 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger she owned in 1976 that my father bought her. My brother recently found my fathers 1974 Charger SE in a barn not far away. My father is stil alive and was quite excited we have both cars back. Chat soon ! Noob


If the pictures are current, those are some nice looking Mopars. I'm glad you and your brother found them. I very sorry for the loss of your Mom.
Condolences on your Mom's passing.... What a great tribute.

Fantastic find on the Charger. Wow.

Enjoy the site and welcome

Sorry for your loss. Excellent on replicating her old car and finding dad's old car! I too found my Dads old car 6 years ago. Enjoy the ride
Welcome from Alberta!
Sorry for the loss of your mother.

Two super cool cars! I really like that Charger, friend had one in high school, nearly identical.
So this is dads car in the early 80's. I can't find a pic of moms whip yet but I'll get it. Just a huge welcome and thankyou to this fantastic site, its a rarety these days you find one clean, I save the verbs for the shop or the pits. You're condolences were well appreciated. Mopar dudes and dudettes do it right !

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