Mopar Ring gear i.d



the little car that could
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
montreal , canada
Hi guys , bought a couple of parts to a guy that had a 70 duster , sold the car and i bought some mechanical parts that he had : d-shaft , 741 case , yokes etc , but..he offered me a ring gear and pinion , told me that they were 4.10s...for a old 741 case , i have no idea how to verify that , the gear and ponion are like brand new , barely used . Ring gear has a number on it , but i dont find anything on the net, maybe someone here will guide me ! Thx




count the teeth and divide the pinion number into the ring gear number. that will give you the ratio. if ring has 41 teeth, the pinion will have 10 teeth, therefore 4.10
Ok !!! So its a 41 teeth ring and 10 teeth pinion so its = 4.10 ! , all good but...he said it was for a 741 case...seems weird , any way to see if its for a 489 or 741 case ?
probably measure the diameter of the pinion where the rear bearing rides and you should be able to tell. i forget what the bearing sizes are but someone will come along and probably tell us. i thought 1 3/4, 1 7/8 and ???? 741, 742, 489.
Same ring gear for all 8.75 cases. No difference in any of them.

Pinion is the only thing to determine case.
741 pinion shaft is straight, same size as the threads for the pinion yoke
742 has a shoulder at the pinion yoke threads, and has a larger shaft.
489 has a funnel-shaped tapered shaft.