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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
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Is anyone running either of the solid rollers on the Indy website in conjunction with the 360-1-245 heads? Any thoughts you small block pounders?

I have Comp cams rollers in mine. Indy did not make theirs 13 years ago when i bought these. I never like to talk bad about another company but if your going to buy heads save yourself a major head ache and get away from indy. Now that the small block victors are out you should get those. Indy has ZERO customer service and frankly are just assholes. But they can be this way because until now they had the best/only heads around. I have Indy 360-1 cnc ported heads on my car. They work great but just hope you never have to call them for anything. Now this is just my 2 cents with the 13 years of dealing with them. One more thing, When I bought my so called "Head kit" from them 13 years ago i paid extra for valve covers. They still have not made valve covers for that head or refunded me the cash.
They are a little short on patience.
I already have the heads. Ordered a cam on the advice of my parts supplier, who runs Top Sportsman. What did you do about valve covers. Do the Mopar ones not work?