Morel Mushroom Hunting

We had rain here today and tomorrow is supposed to get close to 75 degree's and be sunny.

I'm going back out on my property and look again in the afternoon.

They have been slow to sprout here as well. To much cold weather keeping the ground cool longer than normal.

Good luck and keep on lookin.

I don't get it.

went out again today.

now probably have a total of 10 miles of walking time in over a span of 4 or 5 days.

we had a good rain yesterday and good sun today with temps in the 70's.

I looked in nice prime areas where they should be, even hiked all over a buddy of mines private property.

I can't find ANY!

yet a friend of mine who lives in the city walked into his front yard and found 40 of them and another friend went out turkey hunting and 10 minutes in looked down and spotted a bushel of around 50-70.

I am so frustrated lol, I would have thought i would have atleast found a couple by now.
You guys are nuts eating wild mushrooms....or nutty? Sorry, Im not a big mushroom fan. Those look good enough to..... take a picture of.Wonder who the first person to actually put one of those in their mouth was? Must have been REAL hungry.....
Morels sauteed in butter, shallots, sherry and finished with heavy cream, over chicken or veal or even just toast.....mmmmm.
You guys are nuts eating wild mushrooms....or nutty? Sorry, Im not a big mushroom fan. Those look good enough to..... take a picture of.Wonder who the first person to actually put one of those in their mouth was? Must have been REAL hungry.....

Steve, they are one of the best mushrooms you will ever eat. They have a nice smokey woodsy flavor that can't be beat.

They are highly sought after around here, and can bring a nice price from some of the local restaurants.

Slice them in half lengthways, soak in some salty water to get the bugs, if any, to float to the top. Pat them dry with a paper towel and roll in egg, flour and fry in butter until somewhat crispy.

Served up with a nice New York strip, some fresh asparagus and maybe some wild rice.


The big thing to remember when harvesting these is, "if they aren't hollow don't swallow". They should be hollow from the bottom of the stem to the top of the cap.
I would rather go mushroom cam hunting.
Back at it again this year!.

I have been hitting the woods hard the last couple weeks to see if I could be the early bird. But so far ...still no luck.

All my previous years I tried hunting them were unsuccessful , either because of when I started I had a lack of knowledge, temps weren't good enough, rain wasn't good enough,didn't have good enough property to look at, I was late to the party or just plain didn't have enough time to log in the walking time in the woods that I would have liked to.

This year I am bound and determined to find them though!

Now if this weather would just cooperate maybe I could actually find some!. I have scouted out some good areas I think may produce. But I dont think the conditions are right quite yet.

I know that I created this thread a long time ago but figured I would revive it and see who else is on the hunt?
Well have you tried taking the left between the Big Boy and the A&W in Mason ? I think thats where the Hydroponic Morel farm was if memory serves me right . Just kidding I know they moved to Alabama years ago , too bad I'm not a shroom guy but my buddies sister worked there and used to get em all the time through some sort of employee deal . Folks used to talk about the woods over by the old pheasant farm I think it was Rose Lake ? been quite a while .
nope I hadn't heard of that.

was thinking of taking the hour or so drive a little to the east to the waterloo recreation state forest being that its the biggest chunk of woods near by that I can roam without hopping onto private property lol.

I have a few acres locally that I have been searching that barely any people ever walk through. But I haven't seen any signs of any morels yet.

It is discouraging to put in hours and miles looking for these dang things and then hear of friends walking out in their front yards and finding a bunch lol.

You begin to question your eyes/sanity lol. I often times wonder if they are actually there and I am just not seeing them. Or if I am not looking in the right places.

But over the years....even if by complete accident/ would think I would have atleast found a few lol.

If anyone is well experienced in hunting them and willing to share some secret/tips to hunting them. please feel free to send me a PM.

I am all for soaking up more knowledge. Ive read all about what to look for and when to look etc...etc.. but each person seems to have their own special technique so im all ears lol
I did not go hunting for them, I pruned my apple trees and piled up the branches next to by burn pile. A couple weeks maybe a month later when I was going to burn up the branches I piled up I found about 30 of them right in my yard. They are freaking delicious!
Just like last year, the ground has been too cold for Morels to start popping up around here at least. We usually go the first weekend in May. It's supposed to be sunny and 78 degrees today, that should help.
It is really big up here in Northern Mi. there are actually guys taking days off work now to go mushroom hunting.
It is really big up here in Northern Mi. there are actually guys taking days off work now to go mushroom hunting.

Are they finding any?

The conditions can be a tad better up there as the soil is a bit sandier.

Well, when you can sell them for 50 to 100 bucks a pound..............
They are poppin right now around Kansas City. My buddy sent me a picture today of a whole mess of mushrooms he found on his land.
They are poppin right now around Kansas City. My buddy sent me a picture today of a whole mess of mushrooms he found on his land.

I wish it would warm up just a bit here, they would be poppin here too.
The big thing to remember when harvesting these is, "if they aren't hollow don't swallow". They should be hollow from the bottom of the stem to the top of the cap.[/QUOTE]

So to a rookie, if I pinch them off and split them and they are hollow as mentioned they are Morels? not the bad news ones?

Do you forage for these with gloves on? Seriously a rookie here. I think I have seen these on our property but,,,,,,,,,, Would be a bi*ch to get a poison one.
Lots of reports all around Michigan of them being found already. And in my home town a guy I know just yesterday found a bunch of them and someone else yesterday also found 80 of them here in town.

Temps are currently in the low 50's even.

I put a few miles in yesterday and today looking but have still yet to find a single one.

very discouraging lol
The big thing to remember when harvesting these is, "if they aren't hollow don't swallow". They should be hollow from the bottom of the stem to the top of the cap.

So to a rookie, if I pinch them off and split them and they are hollow as mentioned they are Morels? not the bad news ones?

YES! They will be hollow from the bottom of the stem to the top of the cap. If the stem has white foamy/fibrous tissue in it completely blocking the stem, do not eat!!!

They won't kill you, only make you feel you were that way for a couple of days.

Do you forage for these with gloves on?

No, I usually carry one of those cheapo razor knives that the blade breaks away when dull, I cut the stem right at the top of the root, leaving the root spores to propagate (hopefully) the next year.

Seriously a rookie here. I think I have seen these on our property but,,,,,,,,,, Would be a bi*ch to get a poison one.
I usually harvest them, split them up the middle and soak them in salt water for a bit so any bugs etc in the cap will float to the surface.

Rinse them real good, pat them slightly dry with a paper towel and roll in flour. Cook them until somewhat crispy to crispy in REAL butter.

They are so good your tongue will slap your brains out.
Lots of reports all around Michigan of them being found already. And in my home town a guy I know just yesterday found a bunch of them and someone else yesterday also found 80 of them here in town.

Temps are currently in the low 50's even.

I put a few miles in yesterday and today looking but have still yet to find a single one.

very discouraging lol

Really? I guess I'm gonna have to go look!

Jarrod, I will try and take my camera and get a few shots of their environment to post up. Once you find one, the rest will start popping out at you, finding that first one and getting your eyes acclimated is key.

I always wear camo clothing as well so the don't see me coming. :D
Mopar X--Don't give up it's kinda like Musky fishing here in Wis,5000 casts for a fish to follow-Hopefully !!!!!!!!! I know my father in law does it every year and comes home with grocery bags full !!!!!!--How does he do it????? there is NO secret here to disclose !!!!! LOTS of walking and REALLY paying attention to the ground around you.I used to think he was NUTS but once you taste them like everyone above said YUMMY--Steve
Also, anyone looking and finding, carry an onion sack to put them in. As you are walking through the woods you will be spreading the spores and hopefully in the future find many more!