Morel Mushroom Hunting

"There are old mushroom hunters and bold mushroom hunters, but there are no old, bold mushroom hunters." Be careful!
I can't wait!!! Not quite the right temp combo yet, but mother earth is alive. Our wild leek ? garlic is out and really very stunning and fragrant. Wife and neigb. went out today foraging. Hills covered in them. What a site.
Thanks badsport, I appreciate it.

I am pretty sure I have the tree ID down ,im getting better and better with it the more time I spend in the woods (from a distance I will say "that looks like an elm" and when I get up to it I can verify that it is in fact an elm by the dead leaves on the ground. I am pretty sure I have been looking in the right habitat....but still no luck. I would blame the weather to make myself feel better about not finding them.....but being that more than one person has found them locally I would have to say that the conditions arent to blame.

which leaves a few things....either I am just not seeing them ( which I have a hard time believing I haven't seen even one with as thorough as I have been and with as many miles as I have put under my feet). OR I am just not looking in areas that are producing and need to broaden my hunt. OR luck has not been with me lol.

A friend of mine and I have been talking about taking a trip to waterloo and getting a full day of hunting in....but the forecast isnt looking to good for the week so I am not sure when I will actually be able to get some more hunting in. And/or what kind of effect this weather will have on any current mushrooms that may have already sprouted and any future mushrooms.

It is pretty addictive looking for these things and it gets ahold of you!....I NEED to find my first one so I don't feel like such a failure and so hopefully I will be able to find them a bit easier from then on!.
Mopar X--Don't give up it's kinda like Musky fishing here in Wis,5000 casts for a fish to follow-Hopefully !!!!!!!!! I know my father in law does it every year and comes home with grocery bags full !!!!!!--How does he do it????? there is NO secret here to disclose !!!!! LOTS of walking and REALLY paying attention to the ground around you.I used to think he was NUTS but once you taste them like everyone above said YUMMY--Steve

Yup, I love them!.

and most the people I have talked to about hunting with me that werent that interested....had never tasted them before.

I got a buddy of mine to head out with me yesterday for about an hour or so...I had him a little interested prior too.....but once he got out in the woods you could see he caught the itch also. So we are hoping to get out there soon and cover more ground.

Id say I have been paying pretty close attention to the ground but still no luck. I have mostly been looking around elm and dead elm and around may apples,mossy areas, rich dark soils,near water where there is good moisture in the ground. lots of exposure to sunlight. Been using a walking stick and turning over leaves and plant life around promising looking trees.But still no luck. Its driving me nuts lol
These were found in my home town just yesterday. so they are indeed out there....question is....where?


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Gentlemen........ Its about damn time!

Went out today with a buddy.we walked for about 5 hours.

but an hour or 2 in I crouched down and was looking on one side of a tree.....NOTHING....went around to the other side of the same tree and crouched down again....sat and looked for a second and all of a sudden BAM...found one. then BAM...another...and again,and again...etc..etc..

ended up finding 15. Most were about an inch-2 inch tall. a couple of them were little ones. But I wasn't sure when I would be able to make it back to the area we were hunting again so I went ahead and picked them all.

It was cold and raining all day...but we finally found them. I can now say for sure they are growing in the Jackson area. Next week or 2 and they should really start popping up. hopefully we get some warm days with lots of sun. last few days have been rainy and cold.


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Can anyone say what kind of indication the morels I found may hold?....meaning..... Where am I at in the season for my area having found the kind of morels I did and at the size I did?. Start of the season?....midway in?....end?.

I read somewhere that the grey morels are what normally grow into the larger yellow morels. And that it is the 5th phase out of 5 phases in morel season. And that you can only expect another 5 days of mushroom growth. To me it doesn't sound like it adds up. I would assume that I am at the start of the season and have atleast until the end up may to get in alot more hunting. what do you guys think?.

more so with the cold temps we have had this last week...I would think it may have stalled the mushrooms a bit.

last few days have been rain and in the mid 50's during the day and dipping to low 40's at night. a few days ago we did have alot of sun and it was mid 60's. But these mushrooms felt fresh like they just sprouted over the last day or 2. They were firm,moist and cold to the touch.

Sorry for the noobie questions. Trying to soak up as much knowledge as I can. feel free to post or PM me with any help. Thanks
Can anyone say what kind of indication the morels I found may hold?....meaning..... Where am I at in the season for my area having found the kind of morels I did and at the size I did?. Start of the season?....midway in?....end?.

By the looks of those it's just getting started. You will find them grey and brown for a couple of weeks, then they will progress to blonde and get bigger.

These are some late season 'shrooms I found a couple of years ago.


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last few days have been rain and in the mid 50's during the day and dipping to low 40's at night. a few days ago we did have alot of sun and it was mid 60's. But these mushrooms felt fresh like they just sprouted over the last day or 2. They were firm,moist and cold to the touch.

Typically they can sprout overnight, I have gone to a spot one day and not see any, go back the very next day and find a dozen.

One thing that will help you is to carry a small diameter stick long enough to reach the ground from a standing position.

Once the forest undergrowth starts to come in a lot of times there will be 'shrooms hiding under it. The stick will allow you to reach out and move it side to side so you can spot them, it saves a ton of back braking bending over.

It can also be used to shuffle leaves around, quite often the pop up under a clump of leaves and you don't see them without shuffling some around.
Oh, and BTW, when you cook those rinse them real good, pat them dry and roll lightly in flour.

Put some real butter in a frying pan and fry them up until somewhat crispy.

The LAST thing you want to do is drown them in batter or anything like that and ruin or mask that great woodsy smokey flavor.

Morels IMO are theeeee best eating mushroom there is.

Is there any wonder you can get 100 bucks a pound for em?
Thanks for all the info Bruce!.

Yup I have been heading out with a walking stick each time to help stir things up.

And the ones I picked I soaked in cool salt water for a couple hours, then cut in half and rinsed them. Then patted dry and then dusted with flower and put in ziplock bag and froze them. I was told the flower helps stop them crom sticking together. I'm just freezing them for a few days until I make some good steaks or something to go with them.

And yes I agree they taste best dusted in flower and fried in butter!.

Here's to hoping we get a good season and that there are plenty more for me to find lol. Feel free to post in this thread when you find some!. I'd like to see what you find!.
Anyone else had any luck?.

I found that first batch, went back and found more in the same spot and have been able to find any more anywhere since. not even at the spot I found the first ones.

we have had a ton of rain this last week, last few days have been mid 60's. today we hit 88 degrees!. and its looking like 70's for the next week.

conditions should be perfect. I see on the michigan morels facebook page that people are find gobbs of them left and right.

Ive been hitting the woods hard and going off the beaten path and heading deep in and searching mostly elms,dead/dying elms and what I believe are ash trees. still no luck. Im going to try and find some different land to hunt and see if maybe my luck changes.

hoping to score a big find this year!.