Movember prostate cancer awareness



It's only metal
Oct 29, 2007
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Renton Wa
Hey guys and gals, as some of you may know my grandpa is a prostate cancer survivor, (Jack Hudspeth, he runs a support group in Tacoma Wa and is more then happy to talk to men about prostate cancer I heard about this on the radio yesterday and decided this would be a great way to have a little fun! Anyway if you would like to donate that is cool but not I understand, Men please get your PSA test done, it's just a simple blood test.

I will try to bump this every few days in November because it is for a great cause.

Also feel free to join!
Thank you
Ross Hudspeth -res1vw21


I have decided to join a global movement that is bringing much needed attention to cancers that affect men. I’m doing this by growing a Moustache this Movember, the month formerly known as November. My commitment is to grow a moustache all November and I am hoping that you will support my efforts by making a donation. The funds raised go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LIVESTRONG).

What many people don’t know is that 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime and testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 18-35. Facts like these have convinced me I should get involved.

To make a donation, you can either:

• Click this link and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account , or
• Write a check payable to ‘Movember Foundation’, referencing my Registration Number 98792 and mailing it to: Movember Foundation, PO Box 2726, Venice, CA 90294-2726.

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation will use the money raised by Movember to fund research to find better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation will use the money raised by Movember to fund:

• The LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance program which has the goal of improving survival rates and quality of life for young adults with cancer between the ages of 15 and 40.
• Research initiatives to further understand the biology of adolescent and young adult cancers.

For more details on how the funds raised from previous campaigns have been used and the impact Movember is having please go to

Thank you
Great cause ,Ross and thanks to your father.I'm not familiar with a PSA test but I'm going to my doc next month.I just had a colonoscopy(what fun) and they said everything looked ok.I ain't no kid(57) so I'm trying to look after myself.8)Keep up the good work,and don't sell that car,lol.:toothy10:
I'm getting my annual PSA test and digital ( bend over)rectal in two weeks. I have at least 6 friends that have had their prostate removed due to cancer. The youngest being 47 and the oldest 62. Plus here is something to remember. Don't just get the PSA test and forgo the digital rectal exam. You need to do both. My good friends brother who is 62 had the blood work done and his PSA number was .09 and he followed up with the routine digital exam but the doctor when examining him said that the prostate just didn't "feel" quite right to him. He didn't feel any nodules but something wasn't just right with what the doctor felt. So he recommended he have a biopsy done and 2 of the tissue samples out of the 10 were 10% cancerous. He caught it in time and had the prostate removed and the cancer had not spread beyond gland so there was no need for any chemo or radiation after the surgery. SO it's makes the point to get both procedures done to be ahead of the game!
I'm getting my annual PSA test and digital ( bend over)rectal in two weeks. I have at least 6 friends that have had their prostate removed due to cancer. The youngest being 47 and the oldest 62. Plus here is something to remember. Don't just get the PSA test and forgo the digital rectal exam. You need to do both. My good friends brother who is 62 had the blood work done and his PSA number was .09 and he followed up with the routine digital exam but the doctor when examining him said that the prostate just didn't "feel" quite right to him. He didn't feel any nodules but something wasn't just right with what the doctor felt. So he recommended he have a biopsy done and 2 of the tissue samples out of the 10 were 10% cancerous. He caught it in time and had the prostate removed and the cancer had not spread beyond gland so there was no need for any chemo or radiation after the surgery. SO it's makes the point to get both procedures done to be ahead of the game!

Yes it does, it is a good idea for guys younger then 35 to get an annual PSA test though to establish a base line. Every one needs to be aware of this.
With a history of prostate cancer in my family (Dad and both uncles) I go every year. In addition to the PSA test I get a whole blood panel done (my wife works for the lab). An ounce of prevention...
Already done, after my stroke I am now tested and molested to the tune of $1000 a visit and they say I'm a horse......But......they need to see me in 6 months to do it again! Hell I haven't paid off the first and now I oue for the second. I am not seeing the third myself, I mean if they are saying I am healthy as a horse I am healthy enough not to see them again right? Whats wrong with them just curing me and that be that like the old days! I don't see why I need to keep giving them $1000 can you? Don't get me wrong I owe them my life but I don't think I owe them my income for the rest of my life do I?
I'll get mine done as soon as I get health insurance from my new employer. It runs in my family so it needs to be done.

Thank you for posting this Ross.
Everyone needs to get a PSA check, with or without any family history of prostate cancer! No history in my family but guess what, out of the blue it showed up in me! Six weeks ago I went through the surgery and all is well now. Luckily, we caught it early due to the PSA test I have yearly. Git it done!
people need to get this done, i have told a couple of my school teachers about it and they are going to get it done
Had my annual check up this week and everything was fine. PSA was the same as last year, 1.0 and the prostate exam was fine too. It's always a good feeling to leave the doc's office after that knowing that everything is as it should be.