Moving a shed.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
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Ontario Parts Unknown
Bought this shed. 2x4 framed, 12'X9'. I only have to move it approx 500'. Its just around the corner from us. But it's also got to go into our back yard. It's got 2×4 floors as well. Solid as heck. 9' is too wide to go between wheel wells on a trailer.
In town asphalt road...not perfectly smooth lol

Don't know if you have many shed retail outlets around you but we have several. I bought a 12x12 and a 12x20 from the same guy. I called a local shed retailer and asked if they would move them for me. Since they used a third party person, they hooked me up with them. Got them both moved for 500.00. But that was a long time ago. But might be worth a try. Right tool for the job makes it so easy.
Slip 2X8's or whatever underneath it like sleigh rails and drag it home! Just brace the front very well so they don't pull together. Attach them to the base of the shed itself. 500' is pretty short.
I moved a much smaller one (6×8) with a skid steer

Even if you get it on a flatbed, how would you get it off?

Remember that member who plucked a valiant or dart out of the weeds with a crane?
That's who you need
Now I did relocate the 12x20 in my yard years ago. I used like 4 -15' pieces of 4" iron pipe and roll the building on it across the yard.
I was thinking rollback/tilt n load too but the shed is 11' high. What avg height of rollback?
Cant help ya there Steve. Something to think about for sure. Nice looking shed. Maybe contact a shed builder. Around here they deliver them all over the place. Can you get a low flatbed with no rails?
I'd be looking at the drag method, or dig up the sides perpendicular to the joists and put some 4x4 or 6x6 under (or some steel) and start lifting each corner onto cribbing until you can back the trailer under it.
Support it on cribbing on the trailer to clear the fenders.
The wood for all that might cost more than the shed though! LOL.
It'll slide right back off a tilt n load. If I can place these 40' sea cans with one, that shed's a walk in the park.
hangarspring2016 006.JPG
Trailer it. You can raise it above the fenders. You're not going very far with it.
2x6's and jacks... get it above the trailer and back under it.
Or just plow through it with a front loader and hire ya a couple Carlos's from a home depot parking lot to put it back together.
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It will roll pretty easy with pipes or wood post. My neighbor pushed a corn crib across his acreage with telephone poles.
So my buddy had the same conundrum i have a set of dollies for a towtruck. Just needed longer pipes and a drawbar.
An old camper trailer frame would work too.
I moved a 10 x 16 shed by opening end wall and backing my trailer inside. But it had no floor.
Its difficult to get people out. even if you have the cash they want on hand...they throw out large numbers thinking people are broke...:)
What kind of trailer do you have?

I keep any 4x4 stock I find and I have quite a collection.

I've stacked them up for things that are wider than my trailer or the wheel arches in my friends, larger trailer.

I'd also maybe try Dragging it on skids. Or you could buy some pole stock (2-4 poles) and feed them from the front, recycling from the rear to move it really old school- pyramid builder style.
I would block it up to clear fenders. Easy.
Or find a snowmobile trailer. Its only 500 feet.