Moving to BC



Senior Moment
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
Any members in BC?

I've been offered a transfer to Smither's BC from Saskatchewan. Took a look at the ICBC website and it does not really tell you much about rates. So.... what is your experience with registering vehicles like seldom used A bodies in BC? In Saskatchewan, you can buy a basic policy which pretty much is liability only and drive the car a reasonable amount of KM. Vehicle safety certification for occasional use is not required and any vehicle previously registered in Saskatchewan and sold privately does not have to be reinspected. You must have another vehicle registered for all purpose use to qualify for this. I also have some experience in Manitoba where you could choose a pleasure use policy, but you still had to have a current safety certificate and the rate was quite high compared to Saskatchewan. I'm basing my negotiations about this transfer on estimating what extra costs I may incur and I think this one might be considerable.

Any help would be appreciated.
get your safe driver credit sorted out first thing they told me three different things and yanked me around until they said it was too late so much for my 9 star rating from Ontario , The next great one is a Clean Air check depending on where you are and the rules there, on the Island here we don't need it but in Van you do I don't know about Smithers , the $200 a year collector plate deal is great but the app is a bit much . I am told they have loosened the rules quite a bit to allow headers and color change etc .. The app I got for my 77 Grand Prick said it had to be all as built includung the AM radio but there has been a lot of talk lately about "Modified Collector Status "I haven't tried because it is one of those things where you really need to find an agent who knows how to get it done for you and I haven't been able to do that yet , both my cars have been re-painted . I actually just redid the plates on my Barracuda Thursday and the agent suggested I could get a Collector plate for it but again when I asked to do the paperwork she said she didn't know how-go figure

PS: basic liability with comp and collision cost me just under 700 a year or 61 a month with 4 years safe driving credit @ 5% a year for 20% off instead of the 45% max discount I should get but that's another thread. Oh and I can drive it anywhere and anytime ,the collector deal has some use restrictions on it I believe .
Thanks guys. Called an agent today and it sounds like there is also a multi vehicle collecter status that might apply. I'm making a trip in the near future and this gives me a lot to check out.
Be glad your moving there and not the lower mainland, insurance costs arethrough the roof here.For my 98 Ram even with road start discount I pay about 2000.00 a year:angry7: