Moving to Chicago



Everybody's Fool
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hot Springs AR
Bill was sitting on the plane at DFW waiting to fly to Chicago, when a guy took the seat beside him.

The guy was an emotional wreck … pale, hands shaking in fear.

"What's the matter ... afraid of flying?" Bill asked.

"No, it's not that. I've been transferred to Chicago The people are crazy there, right? Lots of shootings, gangs, race riots, drugs, poor schools, and the highest crime rate in the USA."

Bill replied, "I've lived in Chicago all my life. It's not as bad as the media says. Find a nice home, go to work, mind your own business, and enroll your kids in a nice private school. I've worked there for 14 years and never had the slightest bit of trouble."

The guy relaxed and stopped shaking and said, "Oh, thank you. I've been worried to death, but if you've lived and worked there all those years and say it’s OK, I'll take your word for it What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a tail gunner on a Budweiser truck..."
Bill was sitting on the plane at DFW waiting to fly to Chicago, when a guy took the seat beside him.

The guy was an emotional wreck … pale, hands shaking in fear.

"What's the matter ... afraid of flying?" Bill asked.

"No, it's not that. I've been transferred to Chicago The people are crazy there, right? Lots of shootings, gangs, race riots, drugs, poor schools, and the highest crime rate in the USA."

Bill replied, "I've lived in Chicago all my life. It's not as bad as the media says. Find a nice home, go to work, mind your own business, and enroll your kids in a nice private school. I've worked there for 14 years and never had the slightest bit of trouble."

The guy relaxed and stopped shaking and said, "Oh, thank you. I've been worried to death, but if you've lived and worked there all those years and say it’s OK, I'll take your word for it What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a tail gunner on a Budweiser truck..."
Funny story but very on point. I used to live in a neighborhood called Brighton Park on the southwest side of Chicago. I moved to Florida in 86' when it began to change. Last week I found out that where I used to live has been designated the number one worst area to live in the whole United States . I cannot believe how tragic that is to hear. You become a part of where you grow up and to find out this news just breaks your heart. To think when you were growing up you could go anywhere and do anything and not worry at all.
Funny story but very on point. I used to live in a neighborhood called Brighton Park on the southwest side of Chicago. I moved to Florida in 86' when it began to change. Last week I found out that where I used to live has been designated the number one worst area to live in the whole United States . I cannot believe how tragic that is to hear. You become a part of where you grow up and to find out this news just breaks your heart. To think when you were growing up you could go anywhere and do anything and not worry at all.
Why are these young punks allowed to do this to a neighbourhood. Yeah they are tough as long as they are with a army to back them up but get them alone and they are liver.
Fortunately we have gun laws in Canada but unfortunately there are illegal guns here too and once again it's the punks that carry them so they look tough. A life means nothing to them and they don't care where the bullets fly. Put them in jail and watch them cry like babies.
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I always wondered why people choose to stay and live in a dangerous neighborhood. With all the "immigrants" who come here from foreign countries, I would think U.S. citizens would not find it so hard to improve their safety and well-being by relocating too. Because of work, school, or trying to get away from it all, I have moved no less than 25 times. I think I'll settle down now, finally tired of packing and unpacking.
Reason crime is so out of hand in the larger cities is simple. Big cities is where all the government offices and, hand outs are at. It's where the low life's migrate to, crime is a by-product.
Reason crime is so out of hand in the larger cities is simple. Big cities is where all the government offices and, hand outs are at. It's where the low life's migrate to, crime is a by-product.
You're absolutely right and they're not willing to work to make an honest living and would rather steal from people who have worked hard for their money and possessions.
Some of it isn't their fault because there is usually no father figure around to keep them on a straight path. The fathers are either in jail or they took off as soon as the women was pregnant. My Dad always told me if you take it out of your pants be prepared to support it.
Reason crime is so out of hand in the larger cities is simple. Big cities is where all the government offices and, hand outs are at. It's where the low life's migrate to, crime is a by-product.
You let these animals do what they please, and slap on the hand for homicide.
If me or you, 10 -20 years no question...........
Maybe instead of jail you put them in the armed forces and lets see how tough they really are. Can you say "I want my mommy"?
Here's another idea.... drug and alcohol tests every month BEFORE you get your welfare.
Of course then they'd start yelling discrimination.
This is why I am never without my automatic on my side. I don't care where I am going I always have my automatic in a easily accessable place. Kind of freaks out when I answer my door with my automatic tucked in my belt. It is my right to carry and I use it everyday. I refuse to be a victim of some young punk looking for something for nothing. I wonder how many of the guys on the forum carry?
This is why I am never without my automatic on my side. I don't care where I am going I always have my automatic in a easily accessable place. Kind of freaks out when I answer my door with my automatic tucked in my belt. It is my right to carry and I use it everyday. I refuse to be a victim of some young punk looking for something for nothing. I wonder how many of the guys on the forum carry?
Make sure if you visit Canada you leave them home. I speak from experience. Was detained over 3 hrs for having a hand gun under my seat . Also every state has different laws pertaining to hand guns and open carry, with or without a concealed permit.
Make sure if you visit Canada you leave them home. I speak from experience. Was detained over 3 hrs for having a hand gun under my seat .
It's a whole different ballgame up here guys. Thank goodness we don't have to carry a gun up here as of yet. I imagine the day will come unfortunately.
Roy, I have a carry permit and the book that is out that lists the laws of each state and I am a former Deputy Sheriff here. The book is great and is updated every year and even lists certain areas you are allowed to carry. If you are ever unsure, look in the book. Brian
This is why I am never without my automatic on my side. I don't care where I am going I always have my automatic in a easily accessable place. Kind of freaks out when I answer my door with my automatic tucked in my belt. It is my right to carry and I use it everyday. I refuse to be a victim of some young punk looking for something for nothing. I wonder how many of the guys on the forum carry?

Roy, I have a carry permit and the book that is out that lists the laws of each state and I am a former Deputy Sheriff here. The book is great and is updated every year and even lists certain areas you are allowed to carry. If you are ever unsure, look in the book. Brian
I need one of then. Where do you get it?
I used to live in a neighborhood called Brighton Park on the southwest side of Chicago......
Lol, The movie I remember most at the Brighton was War Wagon. That was back when they didn't run you out and you could stay and watch it twice. I had the Suntimes/Tribune paper route just east of the tracks between Bross & 36st and Western Ave to the tracks. You collected the route weekly. We never had an issue.
Went to Davis Branch of Kelly for first year HS. Had just started 2nd year at Kelly then we moved to the burbs. I can't imagine the extent it has degraded.

On rare occasions that I go to Chi these days, I might stop at Lindy's for lunch.
I even carry to church. My pastor lives across from my shop and he knows several of us that carry and knows where we sit. He even has one behind pulpit. You can never tell now when you may be in a situation to where it is needed
Reason crime is so out of hand in the larger cities is simple. Big cities is where all the government offices and, hand outs are at. It's where the low life's migrate to, crime is a by-product
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE. Go to a smaller city where there is not a branch of the state's welfare office or low rent government housing, and there will be little crime and few people on welfare. They live where the main government offices are; in larger cities. I have no problem giving a LITTLE help for a SHORT while to people who need it, but I am SICK and F'ing tired of spending BILLIONS on people who are too damn LAZY to work. If you can work but refuse to, you should expect to starve. Sorry if that is harsh.
Roy, I have a carry permit and the book that is out that lists the laws of each state and I am a former Deputy Sheriff here. The book is great and is updated every year and even lists certain areas you are allowed to carry. If you are ever unsure, look in the book. Brian

Do you have the ISBN, or can you take a picture and post it?
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE. Go to a smaller city where there is not a branch of the state's welfare office or low rent government housing, and there will be little crime and few people on welfare. They live where the main government offices are; in larger cities. I have no problem giving a LITTLE help for a SHORT while to people who need it, but I am SICK and F'ing tired of spending BILLIONS on people who are too damn LAZY to work. If you can work but refuse to, you should expect to starve. Sorry if that is harsh.
Ottmunder , any place that sells books should have it. I think it is called the 50 state gun carry laws. I will try and find my book and let you know. Brian