msd real or knockoff

why would heat and rust be any more of a issue with the sbm than any other engine? ever see were a early ford flathead distributor bolts on, been running a mallory unilite on 36 flatty for 20 years no issue's. and about the cheap comment the widest part of a one piece billet distributor body is around 4 inches the widest part of this distributor body is now a little over 2 inches, chuck a piece of 4 in round billet in the lathe versus a 2 in piece and you would have a huge savings
I have an MSD 8534 that I had & run for quite a while. I believe it's dated MAR 11 & has the plastic base as shown.
the widest part of a one piece billet distributor body is around 4 inches the widest part of this distributor body is now a little over 2 inches, chuck a piece of 4 in round billet in the lathe versus a 2 in piece and you would have a huge savings
Way more cost effective with that smaller piece of billet.
Come to think of it my MSD billet dizzy has that brown plastic basce and its from 1993!
They've been like that for 20 years - I thought the OP meant the whole body was plastic!