Muffler options


yellow rose

Overnight Sensation
Jun 19, 2015
Reaction score
Central Washington
I have a cousin who is mostly a sissy. I had him buy the exact same mufflers I use and he says they are too loud for his pussified self.

He wants something different. I'm saying Hooker aero chambers look like the next best option. I don't want to hear hime whine. So what says FABO?? He says he wants it throaty, but not too loud and it can't drone.

Am I on the right track with the hookers?
I had Dynomax Turbos and did like the sound but they rusted out. They did sound good though, nice growl.
I have a cousin who is mostly a sissy. I had him buy the exact same mufflers I use and he says they are too loud for his pussified self.

He wants something different. I'm saying Hooker aero chambers look like the next best option. I don't want to hear hime whine. So what says FABO?? He says he wants it throaty, but not too loud and it can't drone.

Am I on the right track with the hookers?

Tell him to grow balls and spend his own time & money on his own mufflers that he can install himself because he is a grown up man that can do the work himself.

Since he is unsure of that exact sound he wants, tell him to go to a few car meets and tracks to listen to other cars exhaust. When he hears “That Sound!” Tell him to go over and ask the driver what mufflers he is running and how the exhaust is configured underneath.
My DynomaxTurbo, crimped, 3in/3out, 3-pass muffs,are just right and were new in 1999. They are still on there, but I drilled small holes in the low points to let the moisture out. I also holed the TPs. EDIT; drilled small drainholes in the TailPipes.
But I now cruise at 2250rpm, so that's something to consider too.They did not drone with 3.55s and 65=2900 either.
But at 7000 they scream like banshees on fire, so every cop within a mile radius will know what he's up to.
I wouldn't trade them for anything else I've ever heard.
No crossover anymore; they mightabin a bit quieter when it was still on there.
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I’m quite happy with my Aero chambers.
Agreed. Not a bad idea.

But (LAMO!) he abbreviated “Tailpipes” to “TPs”!!!

LM-MFin-AO!!!! Seriously?!?!?! OMG!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Well When I worked in a parts house, that was their system; Head pipes were EPs and mid pipes were MPs, so whatever is tickling your gonads, you should probably visit the pharmacy for it.
I can't get over how loong your hysteria goes on for. I read the beginning and the end and I think I missed nothing
my ride graduated from Aero chambers to the Hooker Max Flo, sounds good with the addition of tail pipes.
the blast is all out the back. love it !
Well When I worked in a parts house, that was their system; Head pipes were EPs and mid pipes were MPs, so whatever is tickling your gonads, you should probably visit the pharmacy for it
Truly LMAO!!!

Oh my! Thanks AJ!
I confess that I do exactly the same thing with my company lingo when certain things come up.
I never seen those abbreviations used here in the states
I'm going to forward this thread to the cousin and let him figure it out.

I told my mom today there ain't no way we are related. I had to be switched at birth or he is a product of the mail man. There is no way we share a single gene.
I'm going to forward this thread to the cousin and let him figure it out.

I told my mom today there ain't no way we are related. I had to be switched at birth or he is a product of the mail man. There is no way we share a single gene.
I gotta brother like that. He claims to be a wizard and is proud of it
Has always curious ,about the VT muffler from,Walker Dynomax ... or,the original CVX..... Did the Flowmaster gig ,ugh...., Always hated Magnaflow....